Thursday, February 07, 2008

January Turbulence Training Testimonial of the Month

Michael has won a 1-year Platinum TT Membership for this testimonial of the month. If you have a Turbulence Training testimonial, please send it to "support AT"



"Hi Craig, my name is Michael Petrashko.  A goal I set for myself is to thank the people who have helped me attain the successes that I have, and you're one of those people.

I began several years ago at a little over 250 pounds in college.  Not a whole lot of that was muscle.  I worked my way down to 170 pounds over three years, and bulked up again to about 186-190 over the past six months (some of which was excess holiday food, I won't lie).  Suffice it to say, I'm in much better shape and much stronger than I was last time I was here.

I decided, however, that this coming summer I would take my shirt off at our annual summer party and not be embarassed by what I see.  To that end, and thanks in part to your interview with Marc David, I purchased your Turbulence Training package.  All I can say is wow.

My workouts used to be an hour and a half to two hours long.  My results were decent, but given my age (I'm 23 now), I think that a combination of changing my lifestyle (junk food and soda turned into lean proteins, complex carbs, and water) and any decent exercise program would have gotten me some good results.  

Thanks to your TT, however, I'm in and out of my home gym in under an hour, and I sweat more in that time than I did during my two hour marathon bouts, with rounds of forty minutes of steady-state cardio some days.  Just since last week, in fact, I lost an inch and a half off my midsection- a truly excellent week!  My results have been coming pretty quickly, and the sheer variety of workouts and exercises you offer is outstanding.  

I've been using your TT programs actively for about six weeks now, and I'm really quite pleased. The key to your program for me is its efficiency, and it delivers in spades.  I'm at 184 pounds right now, but according to the bodyfat calculators I'm using, I've actually gained some lean muscle mass as well.  

I'm noticing my midsection is looking a little different and my arms have a little more definition. No complaints from me there!

Furthermore, I find your TT Forum to be an excellent center of support and like-minded individuals. For someone who finds it very challenging to find support in the real world, your Internet forum has been very helpful to me.  

Also, your videos are great for demonstrating proper form!  I don't go to a gym, so to have you on my screen demonstrating proper technique is invaluable.

So in short, Craig, thanks for putting together a package that has saved me a lot of time, shown me the efficiency found in interval training, and given me a good support group.  Getting away from barbells and machines and trying out a bodyweight and dumbbell based series of exercises has been fun and effective.

Using your TT programs, and with you, Marc David, Vince Delmonte, Tom Venuto and the others I subscribe to on my side, I'm confident that this is the year I will succcede.  I'm truly grateful for the help that you and the others have provided me, and I feel like I've got an excellent team of coaches backing me.  Thank you, Craig."
Michael Petrashko

Looking forward to hearing from you,


Click HERE to join Michael on the TT Forums

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