Friday, February 08, 2008

Circuit Training vs. Slow, Excruciatingly, Mind-Numbingly, Boring Cardio

Aerobic exercise gets all the glory when it comes to increasing fitness, but for beginners, you can get a lot more "bang for your fitness buck" by using circuit training instead of long, slow boring cardio.

Brazilian researchers assigned subjects to a 12-week program of cardio only, or total-body circuit training only. Both groups exercised for 35 minutes, 3 times per week.

At the end of the study, both groups increased their aerobic fitness by 4%. In addition, both groups also increased their leg strength by 6%. However, only the circuit training group increased their upper body strength.

So if you are a beginner, your best bet for maximum gains in fitness is to use a total-body circuit training program if you are limited in the amount of time you can commit to a workout program. Hands down, short burst resistance training workouts done with short rest periods between exercises gives you more bang for your buck.

So cancel your subscription to People magazine, because you don't need to spend hours on the elliptical machine in order to "get fit".

When you order the fat burning workout package from Turbulence Training, you also get a three-month trial TT membership. And one of the many benefits of a TT Membership is that you get access to the TT workout of the month.

For February, I put together a TT Circuit Workout. All TT Members can download this workout and watch the exercise video on the site.

And they are loving it!

"Craig, just wanted to let you know the new workout you posted this month is awesome and I absolutely love it. I was starting to get into the winter slump a bit but this has rejuvenated my workouts. Thanks!"
KM, TT Member 

Click HERE to get Turbulence Training & Your 3 Month Membership

Switch things up for variety, fun, and results,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - How much can you lose this month?

"I lost 14 pounds this month and the weight is just falling off me. My wife says I now look like when we first met and I still have more to go. I can fit into my old jeans again which is a big deal
for me. I just cut back on starches and bread and do your routine 2-3 times a week. I never thought in a million years that just 10-20 minutes of weight training followed by some cardio would get
me such steady results. I even cheat a bit on the weekends."
Billy Williams

Click here to get started with the fat burning TT workouts:

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