Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Copying Cosgrove

He had a really good reminder on his site today to get your butt in gear. No
more waiting around.

Here it is...

It's now the 6th of Feb.

We have already passed one full month into 2008, and are now one-tenth of
the way to 2009.

10% down, 90% to go. Doesn't seem that long since I posted the 5% blog does
it? Time flies. Whether you're having fun or not.

How are your New Years Resolutions holding up?

If you're behind schedule or have lost focus a little bit - start today. Set
some New Month Resolutions!

Maybe you want to lose 15lbs by Memorial Day. Start by setting a goal of 12
weight training workouts to be performed in Feb. And get the first one done

It's never too late to make massive changes.


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