Monday, February 04, 2008

Finally, the Bodyweight 1000 Workout

Tough, tough workout today.

I started with the Trap bar deadlift. Did 3 sets of 3, topping out at 415 for 3 reps.

And then I followed that up with the final version of the Bodyweight 1000 workout. It was 45 minutes of challenging bodyweight exercises - squats, lunges, chinups, pushup variations, ab exercises, and bodyweight rows. I had jello legs as I walked home.

Look for the Bodyweight 1000 program to be available on March 1st. It's a great follow up to the Bodyweight 500 program (have you done that yet?). The Bodyweigth 100 will be a sick, I mean six week program, and there will be progressively more difficult bodyweight challenges to help you build the necessary endurance for the Bodyweight 1000 workout.

Good times,

Get the Bodyweight 500 Workout HERE

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