Monday, February 04, 2008

Are You Sick of This Feeling?

Are you sick of feeling guilty after every Superbowl?

Or worse, after every weekend?

Because from Monday to Friday you do pretty well with your nutrition, but then on the weekend, well, frankly you blow it.

And then the guilt comes piling on every Sunday night, and you know that all of last week's progress was probably wiped out by the dough and cheese and chocolate you ate this weekend.

Well, there is a way around it.

I spent today, Superbowl Sunday, with some friends/Turbulence Training clients. These guys have the perfect mindset toward nutrition. They follow the 90% compliance rule and then don't sweat it when it comes time for a "cheat" meal.

But as soon as that cheat meal is over, they get right back on the plan. There is no wallowing in guilt. No tears spilt over the pizza that was eaten. And no shame spiral because for the rest of the day they followed their fat loss eating plan perfectly.

Now I don't condone gluttony, but a reward for eating healthy is fine. And by eating right and doing the TT fat burning workouts , these guys and gals have absolutely nothing to worry about when it comes to their fat loss program.

Plus, it eliminates so much stress from their lives knowing that if they plan ahead, they can have a treat each weekend.

So while Turbulence Training doesn't give them a "License to eat", it does give them a "License to live guilt-free".

Get with the Turbulence Training Lifestyle. Follow the bonus Nutrition Guide and plan your meals for maximum fat burning.

It's a refreshing change from the "Cardio Confessional" lifestyle that so many other unsuccessful fat burners try to live by. Listen, if you eat a pizza, it is useless to think you can jump on the treadmill and burn off the calories. It's a terrible mindset.

And don't let diet pills prey on your guilt. They haven't worked for you before and they won't work now. None of them work.
For real results, and real motivation, I urge you to check out two of the most inspiring Turbulence Training stories over in the TT Member's Transformation Contest Forum. You'll see...

1) Juan, who has lost over 75 pounds of fat since August by using the Turbulence Training Lifestyle.

2) Kristine, who has lost 12 pounds already in 2008 and has shared her dramatic before and after photos in the Transformation Forum.

Click HERE to get started today with Turbulence Training

One last thing I want to mention.

Turbulence Training is guaranteed. That means if you don't like it, all you have to do is email us, let us know you are not satisfied, and we'll return all of your money.

It's that simple.

I believe in it that strongly. So does Men's Health magazine, who publish TT workouts all the time. And over 5,847 men and women across the world have used Turbulence Training and loved it.

Turbulence Training is here to stay - unlike your body fat.

Click HERE to get started today with Turbulence Training

See you on the forums - I guarantee it,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

P.S. TT worked for these fitness professionals and their clients...

"As a certified fitness professional for more than 8 years, i have come across every kind of "fat-loss" less than 3 months of Turbulence Training, i have dropped almost 10 pounds,but more importantly, i have also dropped over 9% BODY FAT. Since many of Craig's programs require minimum equiptment, or none at all,except your own body weight, they are ideal for the home client, as well as the "road warrior". Along with a safe,sane sensible eating plan, which NEVER leaves me hungry, i credit Turbulence Training for my body change accomplishments."
Jason Koronakos, NY

"I Coach busy women with no time to look in the mirror, let alone adopt a whole foods lifestyle or exercise yet already!  And yet, your Turbulence strategies show almost everyone that everyone has all of the time they'll ever need to include exercise as a fun, performance-promotion essential to their lives.  This program is amazing and plenty challenging because it is simple. Clear but lets no one off the hook. I'm thrilled to say this is a great addition to any woman's arsenal of "what to do" or "what to look forward to."
Ann G. Burgess, President, Pathfinders' Fitness by Design, Arlington , MA

Click HERE to get started today with Turbulence Training

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