Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Fit Yummy Mummy Tummies Transformation Contest

Are you a Mom who wants to lose fat and get social support from others, and maybe even win some prizes while you are at it? Well Holly Rigsby is having a Transformation Contest of her own.

Click HERE for all the details on the FYM Transformation Contest

Q: What has been your experience for the best 3 month blast for women who hold fat there?


Interval training has to be in the program. From there, a total body strength training routine is all that's needed...with good nutrition of course. Turbulence Training or the Fit Yummy Mummy program will help you with that. Get Holly's FYM program at www.FitYummyMummy.com

Q: If a mom follow strength and interval workouts, to really bust fat should they do interval training on off days and 1 day of hot yoga?


Most importantly, they should watch their diets. That is huge. You can't out-train a bad diet.

You can do 4 interval sessions per week, maximum. Those can be done on the same day or alternate days as strength training. Take at least one day per week off from resistance or interval training.

Hot yoga is fine, its no miracle fat burner. It would be done on a day where no interval or resistance training is done, but you'd still need one day per week where you didn't do resistance training, hot yoga, or interval training.

Don't go overboard on training. Get your nutrition right, be consistent with exercise, and the fat will come off.

Don't forget to check out www.fityummymummy.com for more info on being a mom who wants to lose fat.

And join the FYM Bikini Transformation Contest HERE


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