Thursday, January 24, 2008

A Turkish Turbulence Coincidence

There's a tool from Google called "Google Alerts", that lets you type in any phrase and then Google will alert you whenever it pops up on the Internet. For example, just type in your name, and you'll be emailed whenever a website is created that has your name on it.

A handy little tracking device. One of my Google Alerts is, not surprisingly, Turbulence Training.

But now here's the surprise - it seems great minds think alike, even if they are halfway around the world.

According to this story in UK Guardian, a Turkish football coach has named his training system, "Turbulence"...

"...A rookie coach, Uygun credits his managerial success to the influence of Carlos Alberto Parreira, the manager who schemed Brazil's unBrazil-like 1994 World Cup triumph and was responsible for Fener's mid-90s revival.

But equally key to Sivasspor's success is Uygun's own training system (nicknamed "TURBULENCE") in which players alternate between performance-enhancing fitness binges and prolonged rests, the idea being that form-sapping fatigue can be meticulously scheduled against breaks in the fixture calender.

Sivasspor also go heavy on bonding sessions. As their president Mecnun Odyakmaz put it: "Money is not a major concern. We are a brotherhood."


Granted, his system is a little different from mine, but very interesting to see how 2 men, worlds apart, could come up with the same phrase for a nearly identical philosophy.

The only thing is, I actually have the term Trademarked. Yep, just received official confirmation from the US Government the other day for US registered trademark # 3,355,431 - "Turbulence Training" for use in exercise videos and books.

Turbulence = a winning system everywhere in the world,

Turbulence Training for Fat Loss

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