Thursday, January 24, 2008

Top 10 Things You Can Do In 2008

The World's Busiest Dad, Chris Lopez, put together a great list of the 10 things he thinks you should do in 2008 to make it your best year ever.

Here's just one of the things on his list...

3. Build your own HOME GYM.

No, don't drop 10G's on a complete renovation, a customized lifting platform and sauna (although if I had the $$$, the time
and the space that's what I'd do). But for a fraction of the price you can have a half decent set-up. My "home gym" will never take place of where I train. But for days when I'm stuck, this set-up will do. Go out and get a door gym, a stability ball, a kettlebell of a relatively challenging weight and yoga mat. That's it. I'll drop some good workouts over the next few
weeks on how to use just those 4 pieces of equipment.

See what the "World's Busiest Dad" thinks of fasting for weight loss and goal setting.

Read Part 1 HERE

Read Part 2 HERE

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