Friday, January 25, 2008

Turbulence Training Circuit Training

I've combined classic circuit training with the TT approach in an experimental fat loss program for you.

Click HERE to get the TT Member's Circuit Workout

Let me know what you think. Oh yeah, and there is a tough new "Bodyweight 200" circuit in there for you bodyweight enthusiasts.

One other thing...

I no longer publish daily tips on this email list due to email problems.

If you want more frequent fat loss tips, Click HERE to signup for the Turbulence Training fat loss newsletter


Stay strong,


PS - Get the New TT Circuit Training... the TT Member's area.

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Sign up today and you'll get...

  • The January TT Fat Loss Workout of the Month
  • The February TT Fat Loss Workout of the Month
  • All the fat loss interviews & teleseminars
  • A chance to ask me your fat loss questions on the forums

See you there!

Click HERE to become a TT Member today

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