Friday, January 18, 2008

Transformation Deadline!

An amazing thing happened last Monday. Our first Turbulence Training Transformation client from Russia entered the contest. Now how cool is that?

The Internet sure let's us do some neat stuff. Who would have thought 10 years ago that in 2008 we'd be getting help in our fat loss workouts from guys in Russia who are going through the same trials and tribulations as we are?

Or that girls from all corners of New Zealand would be sharing recipes, giving workout tips, and support to others from all over the world on an internet fat loss message board?

It truly is amazing the amount of support that all the TT clients in the TT Transformation program are giving one another.

We've also got these folks in our Transformation Contest helping others...

Maggie, our advanced TT expert from Florida

Juan, who has already lost 75 pounds in 6 months with TT

Lisa, a new client from New Zealand who has some powerful motivation

Donna, our resident TT expert from Australia

KSmall, who has lost 11 pounds over the Holiday Season

Craig, a Pastor from Wisconsin who has some amazing goals

Andy, from San Diego, who must be loving the Chargers win

Emily, who just joined this week

Kali, who is kicking butt

Chris, from the Netherlands, who is one of a few TT'ers focused on gaining some muscle over the challenge

Plus dozens more...

And you can be part of it too, if you get Turbulence Training and enter the contest before Monday, January 21st.

Click HERE to get started

By entering the 12-week contest, I truly believe you will have a much greater chance of success in your fat loss program. After all, how many times have I preached the necessity of social support for fat loss?

How many times have I said you need to have people on your side, encouraging you through the tough days, inspiring you when you're   tired and ready to cave into temptation?

Listen, no matter how many people in your daily life try to sabotage your efforts, you'll always have dozens, if not hundreds of kindred spirits on the Turbulence Training forum rooting for you, sharing new fat loss nutrition tips, and helping you make life-long healthy changes that will give you more energy and fat loss.

With the Turbulence Training Transformation Contest, you'll...

Get the social support you need.
Become accountable to others.
Accept the motivation and encouragement of others.

Don't let others in the "real world" hold you down. It's your body, and if you want to change it for the better, then its your right, and no one should guilt you into anything less.

I look forward to meeting you on the Turbulence Training Transformation forum, and hearing about your fat loss journey.

Click here to get started with Turbulence Training for Fat Loss:

Get started before another excuse gets in your way,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - The last day to enter the Transformation is Monday, January 21, 2008...

But you can always stop by the forum for fat loss motivation and success stories like these...

"I have been in love with Turbulence Training ever since I started. I am 6'3", 28/M and my starting weight/body fat% was 208 pounds and 18.4% body fat. After 22 weeks of TT, I am now down to 190 lbs and 10.8% body fat."
Nick Walters, New York, NY

"I've done just about everything from Turbo Jam, P90X, to trying to piece together my own workout, but didn't get the results I've seen with Turbulence Training."
Andrea Dunham

"Been using TT 4 years, love the newsletters. I use the 2K3 all the time, started off with the original ages ago. I lost 35 pounds in around 2 years & i'm 38 years old!"
Michael Walker

Click here to get started...

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