Thursday, January 17, 2008

Turbulence Training Transformation Details

The $2000 Turbulence Training Transformation

First came Body for Life. Then every other supplement company started their own Transformation Contest. But this is the first time a scientifically proven fat burning workout program has held a transformation contest.

Men's Health expert trainer Craig Ballantye, the originator of the fat burning workout routine, Turbulence Training, is offering $2000 cash to the top prize winner in his 12-week Transformation program.

Already, dozens of men and women have entered the Turbulence Training 12-Week, $2000 Transformation Contest. There are young men from Holland, young women from the West Coast of Canada, a 64-year old woman from Belfast, Maine, plenty of folks from down under in Australia and New Zealand, and dozens more from North America and the UK.

Here are the prizes for the Transformation Contest:

Grand Prize - $2000 & a 3-year Platinum TT Membership

Second Place - $1000 & a 2-year Platinum TT Membership

Third Place - $500 & a 1-Year Platinum TT Membership

And here are the Turbulence Training Transformation rules:

1) You must have purchased Turbulence Training and used the TT programs to achieve your results.

2) You must keep a training journal in the Turbulence Training Membership Forum (don't forget, you get 3 months free access to the Turbulence Training Membership site when you order Turbulence Training).

3) You must post before and after photos in your training journal in the TT Membership section. Your photo must include a newspaper from that day to validate your start and end date. In addition, your photo must include a headshot in order to qualify for the prizes.

4) The TT Transformation Contest runs from Nov. 26th to April 15th. All transformations must start and finish during this time period. Therefore, you could start as late as January 21st.

5) Each client has 12 weeks to complete their transformation. Photos must be taken on Day 1 and Day 84.

6) The Transformation Contest will be judged by a panel of experts, including but not restricted to: Craig Ballantyne, diet expert Brad Pilon, and female fat loss expert, Holly Rigsby.

7) In addition to providing Before & After Photos, each contestant must write a 300 word essay on their before and after success story.

What is Turbulence Training? So many people want to know!

The Turbulence Training fat burning workout system can be adapted for any goal and any experience level. It starts with a bodyweight circuit to warm-up, rather than a slow, boring 5-minute walk on the treadmill. The bodyweight circuit prepares the entire body for exercise, whereas the treadmill walk obviously neglects the upper body.

Next, it is onto the strength training, using the Turbulence Training principle of picking the most efficient and effective exercises. By using non-competing supersets, we allow one muscle group to work and one muscle group to recover. This increases the total amount of work done in the workout - also known as increasing exercise "density". Experts believe
increasing exercise density helps burn more calories and helps you lose fat faster.

Finish with 20 minutes of interval training for a complete fat burning workout in only 45 minutes. Interval training has been shown in Australian research to burn off more belly fat than normal cardio. In fact, interval training is one of the Turbulence Training secret weapons.

Don't forget, the last day to start your Turbulence Training Transformation is January 21st, 2008.

Start here:

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