Monday, January 21, 2008

How to Start Your Fat Loss Transformation

Today is the last day for you to enter the Turbulence Training Transformation Contest. You can win up to $2000 in this 12-week fat loss body changing challenge.

All you need to do is click HERE to order Turbulence Training and then post your photos in the Transformation Forum in the Member's area.

Now here's a little help from transformation expert, Erik Ledin. He'll show you how to start your transformation off right.

From Erik Ledin:

One of the first things someone has to do is get prepared mentally for some changes. There are a lot of people that set out to try to get in shape and lose fat and with the New Year coming and whatnot but there's a reason why more people aren't walking around with enviable physiques.

It's not easy.  

So I think the first and foremost thing is people have to realize why they're doing things. Have a reason for trying to get in shape. I mean we all do but they have to remember what their source of motivation is.

Being prepared to pass on some bad habits. Putting your goals on paper. Carrying it around with you if you have to. But making sure that you remember why you're doing it. There's obviously got to be a reason.

I also think that telling somebody that you're doing it or documenting it or having some kind of accountability makes a big difference with people. That's one of the reasons why I think that people do so well with – whether it be me or some kind of trainer is they have someone to report into so it could be a friend.  It could be a trainer.  It could be you could be blogging. Putting it on the Internet.

(Craig's note: Post your transformation in the Turbulence Training Membership Forums and get support from all around the world. I'll be happy to hold you accountable!)

In terms of planning, though, food wise, if you're the type of person whose willpower is not strong enough to say no to foods that are in your house then you basically have to get rid of them in your house.  If you have kids it's kind of a lot more difficult to do it that way but you can still do it! 

The biggest thing is to make sure you don't ever get too hungry. Which comes back to the whole plan, plan, plan. If you end up going far too long between meals, I'm sure you've been there too where at that point it's pretty hard to say no to something. You're just starving and you grab whatever's there.  

So I think the biggest thing is actually sticking to your plan and actually not allowing yourself to get overly hungry so that comes back to not missing meals and there's gotta be some kind of self-control exercised regardless.  

There's a cost to getting in shape. You gotta pay some kind of price.  

Whether that be with the sacrifice of time or extra self-control or discipline when it comes to eating but I probably say that the biggest thing is actually not getting too hungry.  Or overly hungry which comes back to missing meals. Let's say you're supposed to eat at 2:00 and next thing you know you miss it and it's like 7:00 at night - you're going to raid your fridge.

So always plan!

Thanks Erik. You can learn more from Erik at

Stay strong and get lean,


PS - Don't forget!

Today is the last day for you to enter the Turbulence Training Transformation Contest. You can win up to $2000 in this 12-week fat loss body changing challenge.

All you need to do is click HERE to order Turbulence Training and then post your photos in the Transformation Forum in the Member's area. 


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