Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Top 10 Turbulence Training Videos of 2007

Tis the season to I wanted to share with you the top 10 fat burning Turbulence Training workouts that we've put up on Youtube this year.

Next year, I want to add 2 new TT lessons per week to Youtube, so send us all your video requests and we'll help you burn fat faster than ever with our exercise instructions.

Before I get to our top 10 list, I want you to watch our latest video, explaining the TT Transformation here:

Now on with the countdown...

#10 - TT in the Pool

Here's me giving some Pool Workout suggestions while on a trip to New Zealand...this was filmed in Auckland, while visiting an old buddy who works for Cirque du Soleil.

Watch: Pool Workout

#9 - TT Hotel Room Workout

This one was done in a budget hotel room in Australia on the same trip, just before I went and walked 30 km around the beautiful city of Sydney.

Watch: Hotel Room Workout

#8 - Fat Loss Interval Training

Hopefully this video answers a lot of your questions about the right type of "cardio" for fat loss.

Watch: Interval Training

#7 - TT Bodyweight 500

This pair of videos will likely shoot to #1 in 2008, thanks to the promotion MensHealth has planned for this program. But for now, be among the few insiders who have watched and tried the TT Bodyweight 500.

Watch: Bodyweight 500

And then watch this bonus video of a TT user doing the TT 500 Challenge

#6 - Bodyweight Circuit

A nice bodyweight circuit you can do at home in place of interval training to burn fat.

Watch: Circuit Training

#5 - My favorite ab exercies

You can do these at home: Ab Exercises

#4 - Bodyweight Butt Exercises

Yeah, a little different than normal, but this one is for the ladies I guess...

Watch: Butt exercises

#3 - Pushup Variations

One of our earliest vids, as you might be able to tell...this one is almost a year old, but its a few pushups you might not have done before.

Watch: Pushups

#2 - Back Exercises at Home

This is one of my most educational videos, since so many people train at home without access to a pullup bar or pulldown station, so you need all the ideas you can get for your back exercises.

And here they are: Back Exercises

#1 - And the winner is, the "300" video.

First, I want everyone to know that I didn't come up with this workout. I only filmed it for Men's Health to put on their site.

Anyways, here it me push it to 500,000 views this year, and then over 1 Million in '08. That would be cool. So give it a view and then tell all your exercise buddies to watch it too...

Watch the 300 Workout

So there you go...I hope you like those vids, share them with your friends, family, and co-workers, and help them lose fat and make exercise fun again - all while getting your workouts done faster than ever.

Its a little early, but I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. It's been a good one for me, and I can only hope it was for you as well.

Here's to 2008 being your best year ever. If there is anything I can do to help you out, don't hesitate to ask. Thanks so much for your support!

2008 is going to be a heck of a year,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - Don't miss the 8 bonuses you get when you get Turbulence Training...

...including my previously un-released "Turbulence Training for Muscle" and the fast "Turbulence Training for Women" program used as a follow-up to the original TT manual, and now the latest bonus - a 3-Month TT membership...

Click HERE to get started with Turbulence Training

"I have been using it for about 6 weeks now. I have reached my lowest weight yet and more importantly I didn't starve or over work myself. I can now do 10 pushups on my toes for each set and I have noticed muscle development in my chest which I could not get before TT. At 46 years old I feel that I can reach a level of fitness that I didn't think was possible and I don't have to be a slave to working out. It is true that your workouts can be done in 45 minutes which leaves a lot more time for enjoying life."
Cindy Casella

"I went from 15.6% down to 11.7% and MAINTAINED my lean mass (and strength actually increased a little). The TT for Muscle workouts are awesome. I have worked muscles I didn't know I had and I didn't expect to get stronger, but I have! To date, I am 5 lbs more muscular than I was 5 weeks ago - that's not bad for a guy who'll turn 38 next week!"
Stu Phillips, Ph.D.

Click HERE to get started with Turbulence Training

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