Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Workout, Motivation, & Turbulence Training youtube videos

Despite some gloomy weather here in Toronto, I had a pretty sweet day. Finished up a Jay Ferruggia Maximum Mass workout, doing deadlifts, presses, and reverse lunges, and then hit the Apple store at the mall.

That store is always packed. I picked up 3 ipods as gifts for friends...a 16gb Itouch, an 8gb Itouch, and a wee little shuffle. The Itouch's are very cool because you can watch Youtube videos on them...so you can watch the Turbulence Training Youtube videos anywhere you have an internet connection.

Speaking of the TT videos, don't miss tomorrow's "Top 10 Turbulence Training Videos of 2007". I'll be counting down the videos in my newsletter at Turbulence Training.

And finally, I started the day by doing the best interview I've ever done with Dax Moy, the creator of the Magic Hundred goal achievement system. The interview lasted for almost 90 minutes, and Dax covered how to stick to your goals for fat loss and personal growth.

If you've ever had a hard time sticking to something you've started, you're going to get a lot out of this interview. Its not an exaggeration to say that this interview will be life-changing for thousands of people who read it or listen to it.

Look for this interview to be added to the Turbulence Training Membership Site on Dec. 31st as part of my New Year's Turbulence Training promotion.  

Great stuff coming up in 2008,


Click HERE to transform your body with Turbulence Training   

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