Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Cardio & Fat Burning

So if you've read at least one fitness magazine in your life, you know that some people really believe you can benefit from...

a) Doing cardio on an empty stomach.

b) doing slow cardio at low intensity because it burns more fat.

And if you've read any of my articles, you should know that I think both of these approaches are over-rated. So does Erik Ledin, a transformation expert ( I intereviewed Erik this morning for a bonus report that I'll release on Turbulence Training and the TT member's site on Jan 1st. Erik believes that nutrition and exercise consistency are far more important than any of this miniscule B.S. that "experts" like to write about.

In fact, you'll be shocked by some of Erik's methods, especially his approach to "contest day" for competitors. He basically turns traditional advice on its head when it comes to sodium and water manipulation in the week before a contest. It was a great 75 minute interview...

I'll be interviewing 2 more transformation experts and bundling that up into one big special report on how to maximize your transformation results...look for that as early as Dec. 31st from

No BS fat loss,


Click Here for a tough fat loss workout

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