Sunday, December 16, 2007

Another Australian Turbulence Training Success Story

To Craig Ballantyne and Turbulence Training,

My name is Matt Schafer & I recently purchased Turbulence Training after much consideration and procrastination. I used to workout 5 - 6 times a week lifting weights and doing 3 - 4 cardio sessions (usually lasting up to 40 -50 min per session) 3 times a week.

And somewhere in between workouts I had to fit in...LIFE...and WORK and FAMILY, needless to say I was a very exhausted by bedtime every night, which dosnt mean I actually slept, I was usually planning the next day or worrying about how I was going to fit everything in. It wasnt before too long that I burned out, injured and that stressed I was put on anxiety medication by my doctor. I had lost all my motivation, I wasnt making any real gains (Strength or Size), I was lean but was hungry and I hated working out and exercise.

Now I have always been a keen sportsman and loved exercise so coming from me that was a big statement which suprised by peers and family. I couldnt even walk past a gym without snarling.

Then I would get my motivation back start working out again, overtrain, undereat, get fatigued, get injured and lose motivation. It was one huge rollercoaster ride. I could not find a balance between my life, my family and my career and my fitness. I started binge eating which eventually led to weight gain (in the wrong areas). So here I was, 34 years old, A husband, A father of 2 small children under 10 y.o, completely de-motivated and miserable and now being treated for depression and anxiety.

I simply stumbled across Turbulence Training whilst researching training methods on the internet whilst trying to rebuild my life, it was straight forward, practical and didnt froth on with any of the bulls**t that every other website seemed to have. So I started reading and it seemed like Craig Ballantyne had found the way to exercise and get results without making an enormous impact on my life.

Dont get me wrong, I know that it is hard work to get into shape and I wasnt looking for an easy way out, I was simply looking for BALANCE and a workout system that was PRACTICAL. Then I had the usual thoughts, should I, shouldnt I, If I did, If I didnt, I will start next week, no I mean it I will start next week...or maybe the week after. It wasnt until one day that I got up, the fog in my head temporarily disappeared and I had to answer to the worlds worst critic..the biggest a-*hole that loved kicking me in the butt, that loved telling me to wake up to my self....that reflection.

Yep the man in the mirror told me to get my act into gear and get on with it, so thats what I did. That day I got on line and bought TT. That was 3 weeks ago. I have not missed a workout, Im back eating healthy but more importantly I have the best of both worlds..I can be the loving caring husband I always wanted to be, the proud playful father that I was
born to be and be physically fit all at the same time.

Even though I am early into my TT training I have already lost 4.8kg and I am a lot happier doing my workouts. My doctor says he has already noticed the change in my mental wellbeing and is impressed with my approach and confidence. I look forward to continued results and am confident they will come now I have TT as my training partner. Most importantly, my wife and kids are thrilled to have me back instead of being stuck in the gym for hours upon hours or injured. I will keep you informed of my progress of both physically and mentally but thank you for a step in the right direction.

I have included a poem that I have memorized which is from a motivational book that I own called "You Can Do It" by Paul Hanna, it is very powerful and Im sure other TT users will get some benefit of reading it. It is called the "Man in the Mirror"

The Man in the Mirror

If you get what you want in your struggle for self
And the world makes you King for a day
Then go to the mirror and look at yourself
And see what that Man has to say

For it isn't a man's father, mother or wife
Whose judgement upon him must pass
The fellow whose verdict counts most in his life
Is the Man staring back from the glass

He's the fellow to please, never mind all the rest
For he's with you clear up to the end
And you've pass your most dangerous, difficult test
If the Man in the glass is you friend

You can fool the whole world down the pathway of years
And get pats on the back as you pass
But your final reward will be heartache and tears
If you've cheated the Man in the glass

Thank you Craig, for helping find my Man in the Mirror and thank you for Turbulence Training

Yours faithfully

Matt Schafer
Sydney, Australia
Nov 2007

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