Monday, December 03, 2007

3 Ways to Stick to Your Fat Burning Program

Fat loss is like running a business or household budget. You have to control what comes in and what goes out. And as many successful business owners and household managers will tell you, "What gets measured, gets improved".

That's why, if you are truly committed to success, you need to take measurements of your body (body fat and tape measures of your arms, legs, hips, and waist) and track those changes over time.

Take photos. From the side, from the front, from the back. Hey, nobody has to see them. They can be just for you, or you can enter the Turbulence Training Transformation Contest and post them on the TT Membership site.

I just did some photos last Thursday night after filming some TT video, and to be honest, I wasn't happy with what I saw. So now I know I need to make some changes.

And if you aren't happy with your photos, don't worry, because I have the 3 most important tips for sticking to your fat loss program over the holidays...

#1 - Social support

You need either a workout partner, a nutrition buddy at work, or helping hands from your family to succeed. If you're trying to go it all alone, then everyone around you will drag you down, whether
intentionally or not.

That's right, sometimes people purposely sabotage the success of others. So hang-out with people who have similar goals, whether at your gym or online, like in the Turbulence Training Forum.

#2 - Measure your progress

With photos, tape measurements of your arms, legs, hips, waist, and thighs, as well as your body fat. If you aren't measuring, you don't know where you need to improve.

#3 - Record your progress

Write down the progress made in your workouts, recording the sets and reps and weight for each exercise. For your nutrition, record it in a spreadsheet or online. And finally, keep track of what works
and what doesn't, so you know what to avoid. 

Click HERE to start losing fat with Turbulence Training  

Screw New Years, get started now,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - Get results fast! Change your body is less than 3 weeks...

"After 3wks of that program, I could already see results and I liked how the workouts were fun, intense, and efficient. At 34, I'm leaner and stronger than I've ever been. Thanks Craig!"
Christine Johnston, Little Rock, AK

"I love the training program, I have been going to the gym for over a year with zero results. Your program gives direction and a place to start. A couple of weeks into the program and I am already getting gret results, I can tell the program is working and is going to work. Thanks for your
program I am very happy."
Richard King

"Turbulence Training program is bestest program which work wonders...I have actually lost 12 pounds after using craig's TT PROGRAM...I must say if this training program is followed religiously then you
could expect solid fat loss results IN NO-TIME...I would recommend this program to those people who are struggling hard to shed those extra pounds...Thank you Craig for being a great help!"
Kamal Arya

Click HERE to start losing fat with Turbulence Training  

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