Monday, December 03, 2007

Mens Health Filming of the Bodyweight 500

Down at Men's Health magazine this week to film the Bodyweight 500 workout videos for their website. It's going to be a huge part of their 2008 fat loss website promotions, so get used to seeing everyone talking about it - and doing the workouts.

We even added in a few new challenge workouts to the plan. And the Bodyweight 100 is featured in the Jan-Feb edition of Men's Health magazine, to show beginners how to get started on the bodyweight fat loss plan.

After that, we filmed a few other segments from the magazine, and we'll finish off tomorrow with some unique exercises and 15-minute workouts.

In the meantime, if you are already superfit, you can learn more about the TT Bodyweight 500 workout on Youtube. Bodyweight 500 Video

Don't do this workout unless you are fit,


PS - Ready to make a change?

Read about all the other life-changing competitors in the Turbulence Training Transformation Forum HERE.

For rules and regulations of the contest, click HERE

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