Friday, November 30, 2007

Cardio Confessional: Part 2

Keith Stephens, a TT Member from Boston (and on-air evening host of the local Boston Country Music Radio station) had this to say...

"I must tell you all that when i walked into the gym the morning after thanksgiving...there they were....just as you said CB...praying to the cardio confessional...every single treadmill and Eliptical FILLED."

Just as I predicted.

Those people are taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back with that lifestyle. They are the ones you hear about who gain 5 pounds over the holiday season.


Because they don't have a day off after every over-indulgence for the next 5 weeks. Sure, they had Black Friday off so they could spend an hour on the cardio machine, but what about next Thursday
when they have a work party? They still have to show up for a full day's labor on Friday.

And what about all the Christmas parties they have? They can't be going to the gym everyday for an hour.

The long, slow cardio "punishment" is not a sustainable fat loss lifestyle.

On the other hand, the short, burst workouts of Turbulence Training allows you to have a normal lifestyle while boosting your metabolism and burning fat during the holiday season.

In fact, every December (for 3 years running) I create a monthly workout plan featuring the shortest TT workouts I can come up with. This year, I created twelve 12-minute workouts for the December TT program.

Tonight, we'll be filming these workouts on video for the site, but I've already released the workout manual to TT Members. You can download it today in preparation for the weekend or to start next

Don't forget, when you purchase Turbulence Training (perfect for your New Year's Fat Loss Resolution program), you get 3 months access into the Basic TT Membership Plan - so you'll get access to this workout as (and the November workout if you order before Friday at midnight).

So when you start the TT Package, you'll get access to the Member's area where you'll find the December "12-Minute" workout program, the January workout (which will be a hardcore 4-day fat loss plan), and the February workout (which will be a bodyweight surprise).

AND as a TT client, you also get to enter the Turbulence Training Transformation Contest. Plus, you get access to the forums, fat loss interviews, and audio interviews (I interviewed Jason Ferruggia this week - look for it in the member's area!).

Click HERE to get started with Turbulence Training

Get with the program,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - Bored? Watch This...

A 22-minute performance of the TT Bodyweight 500:

Get your copy of the TT 500 workout in the Deluxe TT Package here:

"Having "no time to train" is no longer an excuse now that CB has released his "TT 500 workout". If you want to get your metabolism jump started, your muscles pumped and your butt kicked then this is
the workout you need. This is a whole body workout that will challenge you both physically AND mentally. Every muscle in your body will feel the effects of this workout for days after. Another
gem from the CB vault has been released!"
Chris Lopez, Toronto Personal Trainer & World's Busiest Dad

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