Thursday, November 29, 2007

Lunges vs. Split Squats

One of the biggest mistakes a mediocre trainer makes is prescribing lunges like a Palm Beach doctor prescribes Viagara. Sure they are a great exercise, but not every man, woman, and child needs them, or is qualified to do them.

Time after time I've worked out in commercial gyms and watched heavy-set, uncoordinated women weeble and wobble while doing lunges with dumbells in hand. And sometimes, yes, they do fall down.

Not surprisingly, I have a solution. Watch my youtube video here.

Click HERE to watch the right way to progress from split squats to lunges

Find out what I think about your knee going past your toes,


PS - I have a complete system of lower body progression exercises...

Click HERE for 23 bodyweight exercises for fat loss

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