Thursday, September 20, 2007

Todays Workout and Monkey Bar Gym

Earlier this week I was in Baltimore and met a guy named Jon Hinds, who runs Jon is a smart guy, dedicated to improving the health of others, and a heck of an athlete.

He gave me some great tips, and I will be interviewing him for the site soon - we also spoke a bit about the importance of alignment and proper posture, and this really got me thinking and as a result I added in some additional moves to my warmup today.

I did a long bodyweight warmup, and then followed up with kettlebell snatches, swings, high pulls, and cleans. Good workout. Followed by some foam rolling and "alignment" work Jon talked about, and then finished with stretching.

Very good stuff. Check out Jon's site, and if you are lucky enough to live in Madison, WI, make sure you go and train with Jon.

He's another hidden gem in the fitness industry,

Turbulence Training for Abs

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