Thursday, September 20, 2007

Bodyweight 500 Filming

Just got in from filming the TT Bodyweight 500 workout videos for We filmed up at The Urban Athlete Gym and did all 4 of the bodyweight challenges plus all of the workouts.

I think its great to add a "challenge" to your fat loss program...that way, you stay motivated, you stay competitive, and you keep on improving your performance - which often leads to more fat burning .

Alwyn Cosgrove likes to talk about how training for performance will lead to an improved physique, even if the individual was not focusing on changing their body. And I always like to suggest trying to achieve one new personal best each workout...that way, you are always improving performance and avoiding dreaded plateaus.

In addition to filming the 500 workout, we also filmed some more youtube clips, including "The Best Exercise for Fat Loss", "What is Exercise Tempo", and "The Best Fat Loss Workout".

We'll get those up soon for you,


PS - Here's an update on my progress on Jason Ferruggia's Muscle Gaining Secrets Program

After 12 weeks on the program (plus 4 weeks where I was sidetracked and not on the program), I stand at about 191lbs, up 15 from the start, and as you can see, just as lean as on day 1 of the program.

If you want to build muscle, Click HERE for Jay's muscle building program

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