Thursday, September 20, 2007

You Gotta See This Transformation

I want to show you something funny, yet at the same time teach you a BIG lesson about "transformation" ads you see in Magazines.

Get a laugh and a lesson here: The Ultimate Body Transformation

And I leave you with a common Q'n'A we do here at TT...

Q: You have so many programs! What is the most economical way to get started?


Without a doubt, getting the basic Turbulence Training package from Fat Loss Workout Routines

It will keep you busy for a year, plus you get a BONUS FREE 3 month membership at my fat loss member's site where you can ask me all your fat loss workout questions and you get a new bonus workout every month!

(This month's workout is TT for Abs).

Get started today:
==> Click HERE to get Turbulence Training


Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - TT User Says, "WOW, TT Helped Me Get Under 11% Body Fat!"

"Craig, I am a personal trainer and bought your training system for myself and to possibly implement some of your ideas and workouts for my clients. I figured I'd try first and WOW what results. I started with a body fat% around 12.5 and have in 3 weeks dropped below that once impossible 11. As you know that is a plateau that many of us hit and I just seemed to blast through it. I will use your program with my clients and myself for a long time to come. Thanks a bunch."
Travis Motz

Get started today ==>

PPS - TT is Doctor Approved!

"Turbulence Training is one of the most comprehensive fat loss programs on the market today. It employs sound principles of nutrition and exercise for a safe and healthy approach to losing fat and gaining lean muscle. I have been a fan of Craig's work since its inception and continue to be impressed with the results I see."
Dr. Shayne Ladak, MD, BSc(Hons), CSCS, NASM-CPT

PPPS - TT is for Women too!

"I purchased Turbulence Training and have been using it for about 6 weeks now. Along with the workouts and all the nutritional information I have reached my lowest weight yet and more importantly I didn't starve or over work myself. Working opposing muscle groups is what my body needed and it is responding well. I can now do 10 pushups on my toes for each set and I have noticed muscle development in my chest which I could not get before TT. At 46 years old I feel that I can reach a level of fitness that I didn't think was possible and I don't have to be a slave to working out.  It is true that your workouts can be done in 45 minutes which leaves a lot more time for enjoying life."
Cindy Casella

Get started today:


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