Thursday, January 25, 2007

Why I Didn't Get Any "Work" Done This Morning

1) the fire alarm in my building went off at 5am, chasing me into the frigid cold for 30 minutes

2) the fire alarm went off again at 9:30, chasing me from my home office for another hour

3) I spent the rest of the morning addicted to Alwyn Cosgrove's Fat Loss Workouts on workoutpass

One by one i went through his 133 fat loss workouts. And while I definitely have a favorite workout set after looking through all of them, I learned something from each one. It's interesting to see how he sets up his workouts, which while similar in theory to TT, are still quite different in practice.

And then I wandered through some of the other 42 sites for more ideas. I think I've looked at every exercise animation by now, but there must be over 500 different exercises.

If you haven't checked out the site yet, go here for all the workout ideas you need:




  1. Anonymous11:55 PM

    I noticed that sometimes your supersets do not "match up", i.e. more sets of one exercise in the superset than the other. How should a superset like this be performed?


  2. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Sure, from your Wednesday workout:

    2a) trap bar deadlift (3x3)- 382
    2b) dynamic bench (8x3)

  3. 1 set of trap bar, 3 sets of speed bench b/c there is much less rest between sets.
