Friday, January 26, 2007

Coffee QnA & Exercise Video Roundup

First up, it you haven't watched my YouTube instructional exercise videos yet, here they are:

How to Train Your Back at Home

The Pushups - with the Grasshopper & Spiderman

Q: What's the deal with coffee? Is it okay to have?

Yes, coffee, like many things, is fine in moderation. I find it amusing that the media gets all worked up about Red Bull (80mg of caffeine per can), but no one challenges Starbucks on their monstrosity beverages containing hundreds of milligrams of caffeine.

Here's a tip. Just don't drink 7 of them (Red Bulls or coffees) in a day. Then you'll be fine. Too much caffeine is not good, regardless of the source.

Take this sobering news from the Jan-Feb 2007 Men's Health about the downside of caffeine...

"Research shows that caffeine junkies are 30% more likely to develop depression and anxiety, and 20 percent more prone to panic disorders".

And trust me, having been around someone who has anxiety attacks, this is no joke. That's one of the main reasons I stay away from caffeine. I'm just not a caffeine junkie...

Q: My nutrition is pretty good, but I'm at a fat loss plateau. What are some advanced nutrition tips?

You know where I'm going with this one.

We all think we are better than we are when it comes to eating, yet everyone of us can eat better. I'm sure of it.

Achieving the 90% compliance is a lot harder than you think. First, do the 90% compliance test recommended by Dr. John Berardi. Make a 7x6 chart (7 days, 6 meals), and check an X each time you go off track. You can only make 4 mistakes per week.

And if you really "let loose" during your mistake meals, such as wolfing down an entire pizza, then don't think that gets just a single "X". Take a look at your calorie compliance. Are you getting 90% of your calories from the right sources?

Remember, you can't be doing everything RIGHT and still be getting the WRONG results.

Q: I find it hard to get enough that bad for fat loss? I thought protein was just for building muscle.

Protein is helpful for fat loss because it helps control appetite. So yes, you certainly don't want to be too low on protein.

The Jan-Feb issue of Mens Health reported that most men consume most of their protein after 6pm. In my opinion, that's a fat loss "no-no".

Without protein to keep your appetite controlled, you'll end up ready to eat a horse by 6pm.

Meaning that if you're at a restaurant, you'll be elbow deep in the bread rolls as soon as the waiter puts them on the table. And if you eat at home? You'll be eating the treats meant for the kids while you prepare dinner.

So stick to the 6 meals per day approach, and spread your protein out over each meal. Here are good ways to get 15-20g of protein:

- A serving of a protein powder

- 1 cup low-sugar yogurt plus 1oz nuts (make sure the nuts are not roasted in vegetable oil)

- 1/2 chicken breast on a mixed vegetable salad

- 3 strips beef jerkey

- 3 hard boiled Omega-3 eggs (only 1g saturated fat per egg)

Q: Dude, i hate almonds. There's no way i'm eating these things. Can i eat peanuts?

Peanuts aren't packed with the healthy fats contained in other nuts such as pecans, almonds, walnuts, and pistacchios.

These are all unheralded nuts.

So surely there is one nut in that mix that you like. While almonds get the most attention, the others are also shown in research to help improve blood lipid levels and provide fiber.

Put your nuts in a bag (and take them to work),


P.S. The countdown is on...
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The BAD news?

That means the pre-launch sale prices will soon be gone.

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