Thursday, January 25, 2007 - I'm letting people in. Kind of...

I received an email this morning that went a little like this....

"I came across your blog this morning that led me to - what is the price for this site?"

My answer:
The site hasn't been launched to the public outside of my newsletter list and current customer list.

There are only 2 LEVELS of Membership that will be offered:

1) Monthly: $9.99 per month, giving you:
- access to the workout of the month (which is sold elsewhere for $19.99 - so obviously the deal is sealed with that offer)
- access to 2 back issue "Workouts of the Month"
- access to Dr. Chris Mohr's Nutrition Guidelines
- access to the Discussion forums that are busy, busy already
- access to all of the exclusive interviews I do with other fat loss and nutrition experts


You DO NOT get access to the full TT download library at this price.

2) Platinum Level Yearly Membership: $147 fee for 12 months access to, including:
- Access to ALL TT manuals in the download library (current total value of $3000 if you bought each separately)
- Exercise video clips (eventually there will be over 100 clips)
- And all of the above in the monthly membership level
- SO this is a HUUUUUGE bargain, costing only $27 more than you would pay to be a monthly member for 12 months ($147 vs $120)


I am also having a pre-launch membership drive as I await my merchant account for TT Members. New members: You can get access to the site NOW for only $127.

New TT clients get started at $127 here

When you order, I will add you to the site and email you your password.

Previous customers of any TT manual: only $97 for the year:

Only $97 for previous customers

Already a TT member? Or were you in the past? Renewals: Click HERE to renew at $77

Please let me know if you have any other questions, or if I have confused you!

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, M.Sc.

PS. As soon as I am ready to launch the site, there will be a 48-hour notice and then these prices will be GONE. And that should be very, very soon.

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