Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Weight Loss Q'n'A

I'm proud of what you have accomplished so far in 2007. I hope that each day you are working towards adding better eating and exercise habits, and dropping the old, nasty habits that got you out of shape in the first place.

Now onto some of your questions to help you along the journey...

Q: 1) What is an "MRP"? I saw it listed in the Meal Plan but couldn't find what it stands for.
2) What's the best whey protein?

1) An MRP is a meal replacement powder. I.e. a protein shake that also contains carbohydrates.

You would use an MRP mostly as a replacement for a snack or small meal. It would be a better choice than say, a Danish, but not as good as a chicken breast and green salad with olive oil and other vegetables or even a protein shake and an apple. I always prefer whole, natural food.

2) I checked with my supplement insider about whey protein and here's what he said...

"Whey protein is so cheap that any product will do."

I'll add to that, just get something that contains very little sugar (i.e. less than 1.5g per serving) but still comes with a good taste recommendation. You don't need any "bells or whistles" in your protein. So ask the store clerk what tastes good, and what mixes well, and that's all you need.

Q: Hello Craig... I finally convinced my husband to start working out with me after 3 years of insisting. He's 32 and hasn't exercised for a long time. He's not overweight, he's tall and thin (needs muscle) and has bad posture because of his work. Can he start out with turbulence training or is it to much?... What program should he use?. I'd really appreciate any suggestions if you can. Thank you Craig and I really love the workouts!!!

Yes, we'll start him on the TT for Fat Loss strength workouts, but without the intervals or the reduced-calorie nutrition approach.

Since he is an absolute beginner with respect to strength, he should start with the beginner TT phase for 2 weeks, then progress to the Intermediate level.

In week 1: Use only 1 set per exercise.In week 2: Use 2 sets per exercise. In week 3: Move to the intermediate level and stick to 2 sets per exercise.In week 4: Use the full program.

That's a nice conservative build-up to training.

Q: Hi Craig. I am a trainer and have been using HIIT training for a while, and I bought your TT ebook and like your twists on the interval training method. Do you see any major drawbacks to "co-mingling" strength sets with intervals. Ex: Strength train 1 set chest, 1 set legs, 1 set core and THEN do a 1-2 minute 8/10 or 9/10 interval? Rest for 60-90 sec and repeat?

Mixing strength and interval training is not my preferred method of doing things, only because it takes away from the strength training portion of the workout.

I am biased towards building as much strength as possible, so I choose not to mix strength and intervals within sets.

But I honestly don't know if fat loss potential will change based on that method. It really shouldn't. Let us know what you find out if you choose to mix it up.

Enjoy the variety and don't make things too complex,


P.S. I've got some bad news...
Soon only TTMembers will be able to get their training and nutrition emails answered...

The new membership site will be up sign-up for the "Tip of the Week" (we'll bring you one of the best forum posts of the week, and more!) as well as to be alerted to the "Grand Opening" of

In addition to the forum, all members will get the TT workout of the Month, and access to exclusive interviews.

Or you can become a Platinum Member, and get access to all the video clips and all of the TT Manuals as well.

You still have time to become a Platinum member at pre-launch prices...

a) For new clients, I'm knocking the price down BIG TIME. You can become a TT Member for only $127. Click HERE to become a NEW TT Member

b) For previous clients, but non-members, you can get your membership now for only $97. That's $50 off the launch price. Click HERE to become a TT Member

c) For current can add another 12 months onto your current membership for only $77. Click HERE to renew

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