Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Do you want 100 fat loss workouts from Alwyn Cosgrove

That's right. 100 workouts from the Scottish Sensation, Alwyn Cosgrove.

All right here: www.workoutpass.com/turbulence

Ryan Lee has put over 5000 workouts together on one membership site...connecting specific training program sites with experts such as:

Alwyn Cosgrove
Eric Cressey
Mike Boyle
Jeremy Boone


Its worth it just for this beautiful page: www.ballantyneworkouts.com


You can also get $1600 worth of bonus workouts if you are one of the first 5000 to signup at www.workoutpass.com/turbulence


  1. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Hi Craig,

    I have a question about what to eat before a and after lifting. I generally start working out at 5:30am. I make myself a ~400 calorie shake and drink half of it at 5:15am before I leave for the gym, and the rest when I get back at about 6:30am. I usually burn about ~450 calories (at least that is what my heart rate monitor tells me). My question is, when should I eat again? I usually arrive at work at about 8:30-8:45am, and I usually eat a packet of instant oatmeal straight away, and then a snack at 10am. Would I be better off eating another breakfast at home (at say 7am) before leaving for work? I ask because sometimes I feel hungry on the bus into work.

    Thanks, and sorry for the long winded question. Keep up the excellent work!


  2. Hi David, What are your goals?

    Fat loss?

    How is your progress?

    And what do you eat the rest of the day...

    give details...otherwise, I'm just guessing.


  3. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Der, sorry for not leaving that info in the first place :)

    My goal at the moment is to lose fat.

    My progress over the last 6 weeks has been good. My weight has been pretty steady around 200lbs (I am 6'1"), but I think (based on looks only) that I am losing body fat. The intervals have definitely helped in that regard!

    I usually have a snack around 10am of almonds, a cheese string and an apple or banana. Lunch is usually 2 wraps or one whole-wheat bread sandwich, with turkey/ham/roast beef and mustard (no cheese). Then I have another snack around 3pm which is usually the same as the morning snack, or instant oatmeal.

    I usually eat Dinner at about 6pm. I use recipes I have cut out from Mens Health, or else I have an omelette.

    At about 9pm I eat something sweet, like fruit with LF vanilla yogurt, or an english muffin with PB.

    Thanks again for taking the time out of your busy day to help me out.


  4. Yes, you could have 20g of protein (in a shake) plus an apple.

    I don't think the instant oatmeal or english muffins are helping.

    I know if I were in your shoes, I would be replacing them with an isocaloric amount of almonds or other nuts.


  5. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Excellent, thanks Craig :).

    I do snack on plain almonds at work, but will look to replace the instant oatmeal with more almonds. I will also be sure to eat 20g of protein in a shake and an apple after my morning workout.

