Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Wednesday workout

Made a switch to the first exercise of today and friday's workout...switching the clean versions to start the workout

Todays version is more intense and takes away from my squat a bit

1a) Hang clean + 1-leg hop (3x3) - 185
1b) 1-leg hop (3x3)

2a) trap bar deadlift (3x3)- 382
2b) dynamic bench (8x3)

For the dealift, I managed 392 for one last week, but wanted to get 386 for 3 reps today.

So you can imagine my surprise when I loaded the bar and couldn't budge it. I ran thru possible reasons.

Then I double checked the weight.


Because I was using bumper plates that are measured in kilos, I manged to mess up the math...and I'm Canadian, eh. We do things in kilos here...

...oh well, after I changed the weight feom 430 (oops) to 386, I did my sets and reps as planned.

3a) RDL (3x6) - 245
3b) jacknife-pu combo (3x15)


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