Thursday, January 25, 2007

Why THIS is a Must for Weight Loss Success

Variety. If you don't have it, you'll plateau.

Do you change your workout frequently? Or are you just happy to do the same thing in and out of the gym all year round?

With TT, I don't let clients go more than 4 weeks without changing their workout programs. We sub in new exercises, or at least switch the grip or stance and rep range for other exercises.


Because when we change the variables in the workout, the stimulus to the body becomes "new" again, and it should lead to an increased metabolism and a "breakthrough" on any plateau standing in the way.

But if you do the same machine circuit, using the same weight, followed by the same cardio, month after month after month, you will NOT get anywhere after the first 6 weeks on the program.

From athletes to beginners, programs should change to help you make continued progress.

So if you are stuck on the same workout you were doing the day the NFL opened, make sure you change your workout before the last game of the season.

And even if you've been using a program since day 1 of 2007, its time to start thinking about your next training phase. You should have something in place to move onto after 4-5 weeks.

Fortunately, even though you might not know a lot of exercises, there are hundreds of movements that you can use in your workouts to get results. You don't have to be stuck doing the same thing over and over again. Heck, I've got over 200 bodyweight exercises alone in my exercise files.

Another option for an almost unlimited number of workouts and exercises for you to use?

Check out WORKOUT PASS. This site features workouts from me, Alwyn Cosgrove (another Men's Health trainer), and a world famous strength coach named Mike Boyle. Alwyn's portion of the site alone contains over 100 fat loss workouts.

So whatever you are doing now, get ready to change. If your fat loss is slowing down, it will pick right back up again. If your arms haven't gotten bigger since Turkey day, they'll start filling out again. Whatever you're after, the road to success runs through variety.

There's an infinite number of programs you can do, even if you only have a homegym.

Don't forget about variety in training know matter how much you like the routine of your current workout,


PS. Do you want 100 fat loss workouts from Alwyn Cosgrove

That's right. 100 workouts from the Scottish Sensation, Alwyn Cosgrove.

All right here:

Ryan Lee has put over 5000 workouts together on one membership site...connecting specific training program sites with experts such as:Alwyn CosgroveEric CresseyMike BoyleJeremy Booneand...

Its worth it just for this beautiful page:

You can also get $1600 worth of bonus workouts if you are one of the first 5000 to signup at

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