Monday, January 15, 2007

Intervals in the LA Times

Here's a good article on interval training...from the LA Times. The word is starting to spread...

You have to register to read it, but registration is free.

Read the article here

Some key points from the article...

"Interval-spawned weight loss, surprisingly, does not mostly come from the interval training itself (intervals use fast-burning glycogen, not slow-burning fat, as fuel), but from its long-known aftereffect: It ramps up the metabolism."


"Back in 1985, a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that high-intensity training ramps up metabolism for 24 hours afterward, whereas low-intensity training does not. A 1991 study in the International Journal of Obesity found that more exercise intensity, not more duration, provoked increased post-exercise oxygen consumption. And a study published in December in the Journal of Applied Physiology and conducted by a team at Canada's University of Guelph found that just two weeks of alternate-day interval training increased moderately active 22-year-old women's fat-burning ability by 36%."


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