Monday, January 15, 2007

Monday Bench Workout

The good news? I didn't have to drive anywhere in todays ice storm...and the dog loves playing in the snow.

The bad news? I'm a little sore from the 8 hours of filming we did on the weekend.

But the show must go here's todays workout:

1) Snatch (3x2)

2a) bench press (5x5)
- something was tight (pec minor, I thibk) from the weekend photoshoot, so I stopped after my last warmup set of 225
- I will either try to bench again on wednesday or wait till next week

2b) db split squat (3x8) - did all of these

3a) powerblock incline press (3xMax) - skipped these as well

3b) powerblock elbows out row (5xMax)
- added two sets here

Jason ferruggia has a great post aboot overtraining on his blog:

Read it. I've used his advice to help plan my workouts.

Jay's also having a special 48 hour sale from now until 12 noon, EST on Wednesday, January 17th. This will probably be the last sale of it's kind for quite some time. Combat Conditioning Secrets which is normally $97 has been drastically reduced to only $59.99!

Go to to take advantage of this enormous savings and place your order now!

How To Get Jacked, normally $49.99, is just $39.99 and comes with some new exciting bonuses from Craig Ballantyne (who?), Alwyn Cosgrove and John Alvino. Go to now to pick up your copy!

I've also bought into two ideas given by Strength Coach Mike Boyle:

A) most people shouldn't have shrugs in their workout - if you sit at a desk or drive a lot, you probably have oiverworked you need other exercises for the low and mid-traps

B) for athletes, there's no reason to go over 8 reps.

And you might know by now that for mainb strength exercises, even for fat loss, I agree.

I think a lot of people will get more benfit with the lower rep range - using perfect forkm and an appropriate weight of course.

Do what you can,


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