Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Build Muscle, Burn Fat, Weight Loss Q'n'A

Let's solve your fat loss problems with workout solutions...here we go with another round of your questions, and my answers.

Q: I do my weights on M-W-F and my intervals on T-Th. Should I switch and put the intervals on the same day as the weights?

First you need to evaluate how well your progress is going now. If things are working and it suits your schedule, than not much need to change.

The only way to figure if one way is better than the other is to give each a shot for 3-4 weeks.

Most people I work with just do both strength and intervals on the same day. (I'd like to hear from readers that are doing strength and intervals on separate days!)

More important is your nutrition - that has to be in place for any program to work its magic.

Q: I have 22% body fat right (6'3", 225) now but I think I need to gain muscle as well. What type of program should I go on now? Should I bulk for 12 weeks or cut for 12 weeks?

B, Just go with the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss program for at least 4 weeks, and then re-evaluate. Each program is built in 4-week stages, you can switch over anytime. Use Dr. Mohr's nutrition guidelines to set your calorie needs, and use fitday.com to monitor your nutrition.

Stick with a program for 4 weeks and then simply evaluate your progress at the end of the 4th week to determine your next training phase. If you have lost a lot of fat, you can switch to the Turbulence Training for Mass program.

Q: i have a girlfriend who i havnt seen in 1 month and will be seeing her in 2 weeks! wat can i do to get my upper body looking better? i cant afford to go to a gym and the only thing i have to possibly help me is dumbells

You need to go back in time and start working out a long time ago. Sorry man, that is the truth.

You have to be realistic about what you can do in a short amount of time. Start training now for the long-term future.Other than that, stick to the basics.
  • Dumbbell squats
  • Dumbbell presses
  • Dumbbell rows
  • Dumbbell curls
  • Dumbbbell triceps extensions
3 sets of 8 reps per exercise, done 2-3 times per week maximum.

And don't forget to eat right for muscle growth - good food, and lots of it.

Q: I ordered the Turbulence Training so I can train at home. I have couple of questions though: 1. How heavy dumbbells do you suggest to use? For a beginner? For an advanced work out? 2. What could substitute a bench at home (step-ups and other exercises) 3. What can I substitute for machines for intervals?

1) The dumbbells you use will depend on how strong you are...it is impossible for me to guess without more details. Just start conservative and increase when necessary.

2) You can do the presses lying on the floor, or you could use the ball for presses. For stepups, use stairs if you have them, if you don't, substitute split squats or reverse lunges in place of stepups.

3) You can use bodyweight interval circuits in place of the bike. The January fat Loss workout contains a great bodyweight circuit.

That's it for today, don't forget to check out the Turbulence Training Transformation Stories over at Men's Health


P.S. Upgrade to a TT Membership today...
It only makes sense to get all 15 previous monthly workouts (total value of almost $300).
And I hope you'll take advantage of the Pre-Launch offer. Just a reminder, here's the deal...

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Mickey Glick

1 comment:

  1. nicely written. for some other great tips, check out
