Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Unbiased Nutrition Reporting

That's exactly what my friend Brad Pilon's blog is...unbiased, research-based, nutrition reporting.

He doesn't have a product to sell, and he has no vested interest in any book.

He's an anamoly in today's fitness and nutrition industry.

Which is why his blog posts are always worth reading...

In his latest post about "the thermic effect of food", you'll learn whether more frequent feedings really do raise your metabolism.

Personally, I've been skeptical about this, and I even wrote a newsletter way back in 2000 about this very topic (its somewhere in my www.cbathletics.com archives). But then a study came out in the AJCN in 2005 that small meals did increase metabolism. I remained skeptical, but when reporting on that study, I mentioned that benefit.

Anyways, enough from me...

Read Brad's expert opinion HERE


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