Sunday, December 03, 2006

7-Day Fat Loss Workout Guide: Leg Workout of the Week

Hopefully you've made it through weekend 1 of 5 for the December holiday season. Did you get your workouts in? Did you stay on track? Get your fat loss group together (on-line or off-line) and keep supporting one another.

Now, here's your 7-day guide.

In today's TT workout, you should be full of energy and ready to go all out. So add 1 interval to your session and do 1 extra set of the 3rd superset in the lifting portion of your TT workout.

Here's a post for you if you are doing too much ab work and crunching away...
An example of an ab exercise that is hard on your spine

30 minute of activity. It can be intervals left over from the day before, an easier exercise session, or a bodyweight circuit. Have fun!

Want to learn more about my training ideas? Read an interview with CB here

Build a beautiful butt and a nice set of legs with this exercise...bulgarian split squat.
Check it out here (scroll down to the exercises).

Bodyweight exercises rule for women (and men) looking to build a lean, sexy, athletic body.

30 minutes of activity followed by stretching for tight muscles only. Don't neglect to take care of your body.

After your TT workout, stick to your nutrition plan! Don't blow it over the weekend. This is one of the most common weaknesses. So make sure that you have your food planned for the weekend, not just the week. That will help you avoid food temptation.

30 minutes of exercise with your Social Support Group. Start planning next week's workouts, and trade nutrition and motivation tips with your group.

Listen, I could also use some social support. If you own a fitness, health, or nutrition website, I would love for you to be a Turbulence Training affiliate.

This December I am running a big promo on

If you'd like to learn more, and help me out, please sign-up for the affiliate newsletter.

Click HERE to sign-up for my affiliate newsletter

I'll be sending out a couple of emails this week to that list about the promo...Thanks!

Plan, shop, and prepare.

I recently cut back on oatmeal and bread because I felt that it was contributing to making me tired. And since I've done that, I've felt that I've had more mental alertness.

In their place, I've started eating more apples, grapefruits, nuts, and bananas. So far, so good. Getting more done in the day, and feeling less sleepy (so long as the dog doesn't get up at 4am everyday!).

Stay strong,

P.S. Feedback on the 10-Minute Workouts...
"Craig, These 10 minute TT workouts are right up my alley and they work! I've been following these workouts ever since we've had our first daughter and they allow me to balance out my life between work, family time and taking care of my health! For any busy man or for the man who is in a rush on a regular basis, there are NO excuses about skipping workouts when you can follow these 10 minute TT workouts! Thanks for the awesome workouts Craig!"
Zach Even - Esh

Click HERE to get the 10-minute workouts cheap
(The price goes up Monday at 9pm)

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