Saturday, December 02, 2006

Articles for You

First, an article from Bill Hartman explaining what Turbulence Training is...very nice. Always good to hear another description of it...

Check it out HERE

An article from the NY Times with some scary obesity numbers, including the astronomical costs of the complications of, find out how much it costs to have a toe amputated (you could buy a small car for less!). And did you know that it can cost up to $7000 per year for medical treatment beyond health care insurance to deal with obesity, high cholesterol, and back pain?

And this was my favorite part of the article...

"This year, two nutritional scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Rachel N. Close and Dale A. Schoeller, took a unique twist on the calculations to determine what “supersizing” a fast-food meal costs society. Paying 67 cents to supersize an order — 73 percent more calories for 17 percent more money — adds an average of 36 grams of adipose tissue. The future medical costs for that bargain would be $6.64 for an obese man and $3.46 for an obese woman. “The hidden financial costs associated with weight gain from upsizing a value meal may help convince people it is not a bargain,” Mr. Schoeller said."

Go to the NY Times for the full article

2 quick, worthwhile reads.


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