Monday, December 04, 2006

Fat Loss Workout & Nutrition QnA

Here's a summary of your workout and nutrition questions from last week...hopefully this helps you on your way to more fat loss...

Q: Hi, I'm an overweight woman (180 pounds) and I was wondering if I should still eat 1oz of protein per pound?

Hi, first, just to clarify its grams per pounds, not ounces. Second, here are the limits from Dr. Chris Mohr found in the TT Nutrition Guidelines...

"Since women have less overall lean body mass than men, they won't require as high an amount of protein each day (0.8g of protein/lb of body weight will suffice). This value is still in line with the recommendations for strength trained athletes. For obese individuals, just as with the calorie estimations, the protein calculations will also be over-estimated.

Therefore, in my opinion, I would put women at a maximum of 150g of protein per day and men at a maximum of 200g of protein per day. Because being obese does put them at risk for diabetes, this would also impact kidney health, so obese individuals don't need the additional urea being filtered through if in fact they do have diabetes."

Q: Hi, can you give me some quickstart tips for morning nutrition? I find that if I mess it up in the morning, my nutrition goes downhill from there. Thanks!

Here are 3 simple Nutrition Tips to help you get off to a good start...

1. Set the tone with the first meal of the day by consuming a lean protein source and high-fiber, low-glycemic carbohydrates. Fiber at this meal will help control blood sugar over the morning and can help modify appetite at subsequent meals.

2. Consume mini-meals to prevent starvation-induced meal binges and energy slumps.

3. Choose snacks that contain protein and fiber, such as almonds.

Q: I read your article on I am looking to get a new workout program to help me lose fat, but I only have time to train 3 days per week.

Sorry, I'm not taking any new personal clients. However, I guarantee that you'll find what you need in the TT for Fat Loss manual. Three workouts per week, all can be done at home, and less than 45 minutes per session.

Q: Just wanted to let you know I really enjoy the tt workouts. However I was wondering if they could be adjusted with lower reps 5 or below.It seems as if my muscle density is improved with lower reps.I need to lose fat and improve conditioning but need to be stronger also. Don't seem to getting any stronger with the 6-8 reps. Realize this question a bit off the norm for tt.

Yes, that is fine. I do that in my workouts. You can read them if you scroll through my blog at Stick with lower reps in the first superset, then back up to 6-8 for the second superset, then 8-12 for the third superset.

Q: I just started doing my TT workout in the AM. (5:30AM) to be exact. I know how to get my postworkout meal in after my workout, but what do I do for my preworkout meal. If I am just waking up at 5:30 I know I can't get a preworkout meal in ( not enough time). Anything eaten right after waking up will leave me too bloated to workout and will interfere with the workout , what's a fellow to do????? (5:30 AM ) Committment will make you do a lot of things you thought were impossible.

Thanks for the email. If everything is going fine in terms of energy and fat loss, and your workouts are going fine, then don't worry too much about eating before training. Let me know if there are any problems.

If it were me, I'd try and have 10g of protein mixed with a bit of juice. You can even drink that during training...just make sure to dilute it a little more than a regular protein drink.

Q: How many days per week are the Turbulence Training fat loss workouts?

The intense Turbulence Training workouts are 3 full body strength workouts per week. The intervals can be done on the same day, or alternatively, the intervals can be done on non-strength days.

So you could alternate strength training on one day, and intervals the next. Then take the 7th day off for light activity and rest.Or for another alternative, bodyweight circuits can be done on non-strength days in place of traditional interval training. I have 2 tough bodyweight circuits in this month's 10-minute workout. Get Turbulence Training HERE.

"I love the new 10 minute workouts - this is a great idea to print & take with me over the holidays."
Liz Wilson

"This 10 min holiday workout was amazing. When you sent it to me it couldn?t have come at a better time. I missed my training session for the day and didn?t have much time to get a workout in so I tried your new TT 10 min holiday workout. It was awesome. Not only did it hit every major muscle group, but my heart rate was sky high?two big components in fat burning! I develop workouts all of the time for myself and my own clients. Your ten minute TT workout was easy to follow, quick and still kicked my butt. Great job and thanks for the program!!"
Keith Scott, CSCS, ATC

Click HERE for the 10-minute workout

Okay everyone, have a great day,


P.S. I better get back to work on building the membership site...

And I hope you'll take advantage of the Pre-Launch offer. Just a reminder, here's the deal...a) For new clients, I'm knocking the price down BIG TIME. You can become a TT Member for only $127. Click HERE to become a NEW TT Member

b) For previous clients, but non-members, you can get your membership now for only $97. That's $50 off the launch price. Click HERE to become a TT Member

c) For current can add another 12 months onto your current membership for only $77. Click HERE to renew

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