Sunday, November 12, 2006

7-Day Guide for Fat Loss

A fat loss program is 168 hours per week. Not just the 3 hours per week when you are exercising.

Your results are determined by what you do in all of the 168 hours of each week. Remember that each time you shop for food, prepare your lunch for the next day, and open the fridge.

By making it a lifestyle, my success stories (see below), are able to lose fat week in and week out.

Here are everyone's tips for the next 7 days to move towards lifelong healthy habits...towards living the Turbulence Training lifestyle.

In today's TT workout, choose an alternative form of interval cardio for this workout. For example, if you are a beginner, and you have been using only the elliptical machine for cardio, try and use a better piece of equipment such as the treadmill or the stationary cycle - or even get outside and walk some hills.

This is called cross-training and helps avoid overuse injuries caused by doing the same thing over and over again when you aren't prepared for it.

If you are advanced, try some of the bodyweight circuits. I recommend Phase 2 of the 6-Month Bodyweight Manual for some of the best fat-blasting bodyweight circuits.

30 minute of activity. Could be more bodyweight circuits or your favorite outdoor spring activity. Just stay active and avoid the couch!

Add the exercise of the week to today's TT workout. This week, try the Elevated Pushup (found here). This can be done kneeling for beginners. Add this at the end of your workout before your intervals. Do 8 reps for one side, rest 15 seconds, then 8 for the other. Rest 30 seconds then repeat 2 more times.

30 minutes of activity followed by some spring cleaning for your pantry. Clean it out and get rid of the junk. Throw it out. That's where garbage food belongs. In the garbage. Don't buy it again. Halloween candy goes there too. If you haven't eaten it by now, it's not worth it!

Yes, you'll probably find yourself looking through your cupboards for a tasty snack on Saturday afternoon or Monday night, just like I do, but if we don't have it on hand, we can't eat it.

After you have cleaned out your pantry, prepare a healthy shopping list. Complete a 7-day food entry and review the results to help you organize your shopping list.

Finish your last TT workout for the week. Have some fun at the end. Add a set of your favorite exercise (biceps curls, abs, whatever - just for fun).

30 minutes of exercise with your Social Support Group. Swap recipes at the same time. Bring home something new to put in your healthy cooking arsenal.

And share this article with your group:

Fat Loss Nutrition & Motivation Secrets

Plan, shop, and prepare.

People - Get the sugar out of your grocery list!

Each time I go grocery shopping, I can't believe the number of overweight people walking out with processed snacks, tubs of fruit "drink" (not even fruit juice), processed cereals, and not a single REAL food to be found.

I think one guy there must live off Doritos, Fruit Drink, soda, and popcorn.

Please, take your grocery shopping to the next level. Buy REAL food.

And add a new vegetable to dinner tonight - bok choy, asparagus, orange peppers, whatever. Make sure to include 1 new fruit and 1 new vegetable in your grocery list.

Here's an article on how to get the most nutrients from your prepared vegetables

Maximize your nutrition for optimal results,

Here are some TT Success Stories...

"Hi Craig - just to let you know a few things. First, I LOVE your program. In just under two weeks, I have already started seeing definition that has been my goal for as long as I have been working out (a LONG time); second, I love your interaction with your website and your program - that speaks more than just about anything as far as your commitment and dedication and belief; and thirdly, I tell everyone I know about it in hopes of getting them as excited as I am. Well, just wanted to let you know - gotta go now and do my TT workout! Keep up the GREAT work, and thanks!"
Susan Siceloff

"Thanks Craig for the phenomenal package. As a semi-successfull trainer in Milwaukee, I feel I have the tools to get me to that elite level. I can't wait to try these workouts myself as well as on my clients. Talk about getting bang for your buck!"
Nick Holtzman

"Craig, I've been using Turbulence Training since July. It has helped me gain strength and flexibility and I use the body weight program for my cardio, both of which have helped me lose 21 pounds and 10% body fat. I look forward to your daily newsletters and tips and like the manuals you produce. Thanks for your help with my health and fitness."
Ron O'Connell

"Turbulence Training is perfect for anyone looking to get into phenomenal shape without utilizing fancy equipment. This is an easy to follow program with plenty of great information to keep you on track. You can not go wrong with any of Craig's programs."
Jeff Fellure, MS, CSCS, PES

"I have only been using TT a few short weeks, but I am already seeing results. I'm gaining strength and endurance while toning up and building muscle, plus the variety keeps me motivated. Thanks."
Lynne Krulich

"I purchased Turbulence Training about 5 months ago and the 6 month bodyweight manual. I was looking for something different other than traditional weight training exercises. I can remember thinking at the time that the bodyweight training didn't look very hard and I wondered whether I would get a sufficiently intense workout just from that form of training. Anyway I decided to try them and I can't believe how effective they are. What I love about them is the intensity of the workout combined with time efficiency and you don't need to visit a gym to do it. To get really great benefits from training I have been using 4 weeks of body weight training and then switching to one of your other weight training packages eg TT for fat loss. I have been increasing my strength and developing more definition. There is almost an endless choice of workouts to keep me motivated and forcing my body to adapt to a new change every 4 weeks. It is one of the best investments anyone could choose to improve their health and fitness. I also love the constant updates you provide via your newsletter. P.S. I live in Australia and many people attending the gym I go to are doing the same old traditional workouts, particularly the females (no weights, only long slow cardio). I actually feel sorry for them (the guys included) because I've been there and done that & it wasn't very effective. Now I have TT and it makes all the difference."
Joy Dondey

To get your TT manual, go to:

You'll also get a special report on the Dark Side of Cardio, as well as tomorrow's special newsletter entitled, "What's Wrong With Your Workout?"

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