Friday, November 10, 2006

Chin-up Max Workout

6-minute workout this morning...

Did some drills from the Inside-Out Upper Body Warmup DVD, including some wrist mobilization exercises (very helpful for those of us that type all day).

1 set light pulldowns, 1 set 6 pushups, 3 minute rest.

19 chinups

1 up from last week. Not bad. Hopefully hit 20 next Saturday.

Now, while I was in the gym I had the pleasure of watching a gym novice squat on the BOSU ball. Brutal. Whoever taught him this exercise should have to give the man's money back and be sentenced to attend a seminar by a coach that knows what they are doing.

The poor guy was weebling and wobbling all over the place. But he didn't fell down. He had his 12 pound dumbbells in his hands and was hanging on for dear life.

I know I should ignore this stuff but it irritates me to no end. In 2 months from now the guy might be using 15 pound dumbbells, but he probably won't be any stronger, or have any more body control, or have lost any fat (which I would bet was the #1 reason he was at the gym in the first place).

Bottom line:
a) Stick to the basics.
b) Master your form with bodyweight exercises first.
c) Then add weight as appropriate.

If you feel the need to squat on a wobbly board, see point a.


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