Sunday, November 12, 2006

Social support and your circle of influence

I'm writing this from west palm beach, just putside the hotel entrance at 7am - its beautiful out already, and I suppose I couild get used to it here.

This weekend I've been hanging around Ryan Lee as he is hosting the seminar.

Ryan, for those of you that don't know, helps thousands and thousands of people with his sites and dvd's, etc. He is all aboot helping - and doing so in large numbers.

So for me, and others in the "helping professions", its important to have guys like Ryan in our social support group - because he shows us its possible to help a lot more people than we would otherwise believe.

Someone might train 30 people in a week and think that's great (it is by the way), but if they've never met ryan, they might not know that its possible to help 300, 3000, or 30,000 people in a week. Without guys like Ryan I wouldn't be able to think as big (or help as big) as I do.

Well goodie for you Craig,
But what's this all mean for your fat loss goals, you might be thinking.

The answer?

It all comes down to your social support and the circle of people that you surround yourself with.

If you want to lose 10, 20, or 30 pounds of fat, and you only hang around people that are happy to lose a pound and then celebrate at Taco Bell, then you're not going to reach your goals.

But, if you surround yourselves (online and offline) with people that have been there and done that, as well as people that are focused on achieving the same goals, well then don't you think you'll have a better chance of succeedding?

I actually know that you will.
Science shows that you will.

So look for these opportunities to hang around others that will bring out the best in you.

Coming soon, you'll have the best opportunity to do just that - in ther new tt membership site.

If you sign up now, you'll get the best deal possible that will carry forward into the new site.

I look forward to it, and hope you do as well.


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