Saturday, October 21, 2006

Workout Lessons From Bodybuilders

Bodybuilders often get a hard time in the media. Stereotyped as knuckle-scraping Neanderthals with horrible fashion-sense, these guys get no respect.

And these days, let's face it, bodybuilders are pretty gross (both male and female "professionals"). But there was a time when Arnold's physique was inspirational, and the era before that was even healthier.

That said, when it comes to building a beach body, we can learn a valuable lesson from them.

The lesson...

If you want to get lean and show off a 6-pack on the beach, your best bet is to gain the muscle first and then lose the fat.

Trying to go the other way (i.e. dieting down to a 6-pack when you have little muscle to begin with), you're bound to fail.

I've discussed this before, and I strongly encourage muscle-building as the first step on the path to a beach body.

And I recently had to take this approach with a client who wanted to gain muscle. This client was originally one of my top fat loss success stories (but unfortunately, a little too bashful for the before and after photo scene).

So "JD" as we'll call him, was ready to put some muscle on during his off-season from sports.

Down to a svelte 170 pounds with 10% body fat, I had him go directly to the TT for Muscle program. Within 4 weeks he was up to 178 pounds, with practically zero fat gain.

Four workouts of 45 minutes, that's a small investment for a lifetime of bigger muscles.

Get growing,


P.S. Don't wait, start building muscle for next year today...

The TT for Muscle program offer was extended for a month...but it's gone on November 1st.

Now is the perfect time to get started building muscle - after all, the nutrition scene from here on in to New Year's is about as good as it gets for "getting big".
Click HERE to get started on this limited-time offer today

"I have been a Turbulence Training Fanatic since I saw great results with Turbulence Training for Fat Loss. And when I needed to put on some mass there was no other place I would rather turn then Craig Ballantyne and his TT workouts. With the new Turbulence Training for Muscle program I am seeing WEEKLY gains in the size and strength departments. Something I have never experienced in the past. Once again one of Craig's programs is blowing me away with great results and in doing so getting me out of the gym in under an hour. I can't thank him enough. By the way I saw 20 lb gain on my deadlift today, more gains!!! I am loving it!!!"
Kevin Larrabee

muscle, workout, bodybuilder, deadlift

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