Friday, October 20, 2006

Friday total body workout


Some basics this workout. To be honest, I wasn't expecting any records today. - might have pushed too hard on the bench for the first workout back.

Huge surprise performance with the pistols. I find that unlike the deadlift, this is one exercise that you lose quickly if you don't keep up with it.

So from my best performance of 3 sets of 8 pistols last summer, I fell to 3 sets of 3 after a 9 mobth break.

In 3 weeks I was back to 3 sets of 5, but despite taking last week off, I did 3 sets of 6 today.

Not only that, but the form for both legs was great. Usually I have a harder time on my right side due to past broken bones and resultant immobility in my hip.

But this time it felt better thabn perhaps ever on that side.

The only thing I can possibly attribute todays perfornmane to is my increase in the use of the foam roller for my legs.

It must be working.

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1) Bench Press (3x5) - didn't feel strong

2) Deadlift (3x10) - weak grip

3) Chinup (1 set to max) - same as wednesday

4a) Pistol (3x6)
4b) db side bend (3x10)

That's it for this week.


Workout, bench press, deadlift


  1. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Hey CB, I'd be interested to hear what your poundages are. Specifically on the big lifts (squat, bp, dl). Any chance you could post those?

  2. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Craig, it's great to read about your workouts and know you're in the gym along with the rest of us. Thanks!
