Sunday, October 22, 2006

Saturday Workout


Did a quick 20-minute workout not an aerobics 20-minute workout, but a quick visit to the gym in my condo where i did some biceps and triceps for fun. Overall, a fun workout, which was the entire point.

1A) Standing DB Curls (3x8)
1B) Triceps Pressdowns (3x10)

2A) Incline DB Curls (3x6)
2B) Triceps Pressdowns (3x8)

3A) Cable Lateral Raises (2x10)
3B) Hammer Curls (2x6)

Later in the afternoon I went to see "Flags of Our Fathers". It's no Saving Private Ryan, but its allright.


The beach landing in Saving Private Ryan is much better, although in this movie it's larger in turns of number of troops shown.

Overall, the movie drags on at the end. I was really only in it for the battle scenes, and didn't care much for the story back in the USA...although it was interesting to learn the story behind the flag raising and the war-bond drive back in the USA. I enjoy the history lessons provided by these types of films.

I recently also watched "Enemy at the Gates", a movie about the battle of Stalingrad (American movies about the Eastern Front are few and far between). And I also watched the old movie, "Battle of the Bulge" last weekend...another good history lesson.

Back to Flags of Our Fathers, I thought the musical score was sub-par - or at least bad enough for me to notice and mention it here. But blame that on Clint Eastwood who, according to the credits, wrote the music.

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