Saturday, October 14, 2006

TT Q'n'A: Fat Loss Cardio Options

Fat Loss Workout Cardio

More fat loss workout q'n'a today...

Q: I am progressing very well with TT. I am getting stronger, leaner and fitter and the fat is continuing to melt away. My question is - should I change workouts even though I still cannot do some exercises properly, e.g. kneel push-ups, after 4 weeks or should I keep doing the workout until it becomes easier for me to do the exercises and then move on. As a woman, I sometimes feel that I will never be able to a push up properly...!

In some cases I might let someone stay on certain exercises a little longer than 4 weeks, but many of the other variables in your program could change.

Don't forget, you also have a variety of push-up progressions that you can this order, starting at the absolute beginner level:

a) Wall pushup
b) Incline pushup on high bar position in smith machine or squat rack
c) Kneeling pushup
d) incline pushup on low bar position in smith or squat rack
e) incline pushup on aerobics step
f) Try for full pushups!

You can also use a variety of set and rep schemes, as well as lifting tempos (including eccentric/lowering only reps) to increase the intensity of the exercise.

Q: I can't do any chin-ups. What exercise should I use to replace the chins in the workout?

There is a great exercise from Alwyn Cosgrove's bodyweight DVD that I stole for my bodyweight manual and my latest monthly workout.

I called it the "Assisted Chin-up" in my manuals.

You'll need a smith machine or chin-up bar set at about 5-feet high (or anything you can do a chin-up from that still allows you to touch your feet to the ground at the top of the movement.

Start in a crouched position with your arms fully extended. You'll be on the balls of your feet.

Pull yourself up using as little help from your lower body as possible.

That's just one exercise that can be used to help increase chin-up strength. You can also use kneeling underhand grip pulldowns, eccentric chinups, and the assisted chin up machines available in most gyms.

Again, you can use a variety of lifting tempos to increase the intensity of the exercise.

Q: I love the bodyweight circuits, but can I use light dummbbells for the exercises to increase the intensity?

Of course. So in exercises like lunges, 1-leg Deadlifts, split squats, split squats with your front foot elevated, and 1-Leg RDL's, feel free to use dumbbells. But you should not experience a lot of soreness the next day from your bodyweight circuits.

Q: I train at home and don't have a treadmill or bike. And I can't go outside to do intervals. Do you have any bodyweight options?

Yes, you can use all sorts of exercise methods in place of traditional intervals.

I've put all sorts of bodyweight circuits together in the past for this purpose. The October workout - the DB-BW Fusion Fat Loss workout uses only bodyweight circuits for interval training - so you don't need any fancy machines.

For bodyweight circuits: In general, just alternate lower and upper body bodyweight exercises for a total of 4 exercises in a circuit. That should be a good starting point for your "bodyweight interval circuit conditioning cardio", or whatever we want to call it.

For example:

a) Prisoner or Y-Squat (always work the upper back when you do bodyweight squats)
b) An easy pushup (see list above for options)
c) A single-leg exercise such as a Split Squat
d) A total body ab exercise such as a Mountain Climber

Do 3 circuits and about 12 reps per exercise. Rest 30 seconds after each circuit.

Q: I'm a previous customer. How much is the Membership?

The current TT membership upgrade price for previous customers is $97. That's a deal, considering most people are buying the monthly workouts anyway - and at $20 a shot, your Membership will have paid for itself in only 5 months.

Email me for the link to your customer discount.

Get on the right program for your fitness level and fat loss goal,


P.S. Lots more Q'n'A and Success Stories here....

In all The Back Issues of the Turbulence Training Newsletter from 2004-2005

PPS. The cost of the monthly workout goes up today.
Click HERE to get started

PPPS. The TT Membership...what more can I's the best deal going.

"Wow, Craig, thank you for making the Pass available. That is an ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE amount of information for such a price. It's practically a lifetime's worth of information and workouts. But, since things do develop over time, we can get a future renewal at an even better price. I already know I will be renewing next year. Aside from that, people need to know that your information is top notch; it's accurate, scientifically-based, and effective. Thanks again, Craig; I look forward to reading and rereading all of the manuals, and to seeing those future updates!" Chris Correia Cloquet Taekwondo Cloquet, MN

fat loss workout, workout, fat loss, weight loss, lose weight, nutrition, exercise

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