Saturday, October 14, 2006

Saturday, No Workout, Nutrition, & Some Reading

No workout today, except for a lot of running with the dog. 2 different parks, 3 different visits, and a long walk later tonight.

However, going to the park without enough food and then coming back and making a bad nutrition choice sucked the energy out of me for most of the afternoon.

Steak and eggs alone would have been better than the steak, eggs, toast, and potatoes. The potatoes always make me sleepy...when will I learn.

Fortunately, there was no scheduled workout. I'll do something light tomorrow, and then get serious on Monday.

I did catch up on a bit of reading, and here are two articles I want to pass along.

First, from, check out the article called "Mission Statement for Personal Trainers". Just scroll down (you'll get to see my latest transformation as well!) and read about how most trainers can improve themselves. I rarely have much good to say about the common trainer, and watching them treat each training session with their clients as just another hour to yak away bugs me to no end. This article contains some tips on what trainers can do to improve themselves.

And second, read THIS ARTICLE from Keith Scott, CSCS, ATC, about little things you can do to make your muscles feel better and help you recover from training.


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