Sunday, October 22, 2006

7-Day Guide: Fat Loss & Social Support

Fat Loss Workouts & Social Support

You must be your own fat loss experiment. You must learn what works for you for fat loss.

In order to do that, you have to realize you can only make one big change at a time. And you have to constantly measure your results.

Without specific testing and measuring, you can't know for sure whether the change in your program has caused any effect in your fat loss. You must be scientific about this in order to succeed.

(I'll be speaking about more successful traits in my TT newsletter tomorrow from - signup today if you haven't already).

So that's why I continue to publish the 7-day guideline to the week help you stay on track with your lifestyle changes and workouts.

I recommend you take a good look at Saturday's could be the missing piece in your fat loss puzzle. You must do this!

Here's what you need to do this week...

TT Workout - If you are not on one of the TT programs that changes all the time, make sure you adjust your workouts every 4 weeks. That way you'll continue to get results, and you won't hit a dreaded plateau.

30 minutes of activity. Do you have chronic muscle pain? If so, do yourself a favor and get the warm-up and mobility DVD's from Mike Robertson and crew HERE.

Get yourself a torture device, I mean foam roller, and get rid of the scars, knots, adhesions, trigger points, or whatever you call them in your muscle.

My performance has improved since doing this (see HERE) and the roller always allows for instant upper back pain relief.

TT Workout. Make sure that you are continuing to follow the warm-up rules. Never skip your TT warm-up...even if you pressed for time. Do the warm-up, and cut back on the number of sets in the workout if you must. But don't skip your warm-up, or your workout.

30 minutes of activity. Take some time to evaluate your fitness levels now with those of last month. It's important to keep track of your progress.

TT Workout. When you train your upper body, don't neglect the muscles of your upper back, especially if you are doing a lot of chest pressing. Pairing a press with a row is a great non-competing superset.

30 minutes activity. Then meet with your social support group online or offline. I can't emphasize how important this is. Here's what one TT user said about the benefits once she finally got serious about getting support...

"Signing up for the Dream Team (on a fitness message board) has helped me push through some barriers and get serious about this. I don't know why, but for years I have danced around and not fully committed (worked hard, eaten well and then sabotaged. Again & again).

I feel more focused and committed not than I ever have. I don't know why I have been such a hard case, I am just glad to feel that I am on track now. The mind is a really funny thing.

I guess the net of it is that your comments about social support being important are more true than I realized. You get in with a bunch of women, you commit to a challenge, you are contributing (or not) to the success of the team relative to other teams in the challenge and you don't want to let anyone down. And then, you realize you don't want to let yourself down! This is a go all the way group!"

Super Sunday
30 minutes of activity. Plan, shop, prepare.

Aim for more vegetables, more fruits, and less refined carbohydrates. Monitor your "reaction" to certain foods. Do they make you tired? Do you have long-lasting mental alertness after eating protein and vegetables?

Adapt your food intake based on your "research".

And leverage your teamwork and social support,

P.S. More fat loss "experimentation"...
I've spent the last couple of months experimenting with client's workouts to come up with a fusion workout of dumbbell and bodyweight supersets to help maximize your time exercising, not looking for equipment.

Each superset in this fusion workout pairs a dumbbell exercise with a demanding bodyweight exercise - to give you more fat loss results in less workout time.

Click HERE to get started.

fat loss, workout, nutrition, social support, lose weight, support group, weight loss

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