Wednesday, October 04, 2006

New Projects for Fat Loss Workouts

Fat Loss Workouts: New Projects to help you lose fat

Just an update to let you know what fat loss workout stuff I'm working on next for you...

1) First, check out page 32 of the Nov. 2006 issue of Men's Fitness magazine. In it, you'll see the impressive transformations of a set of triplets...these guys all used Turbulence Training for Fat Loss.

2) I just sent in 3 articles to Men's Health. Starting in December 2006, you'll find my stuff in that magazine, but not in Men's Fitness. So look for...

a) A special on different rowing exercises
b) A Fat Loss Feature on Turbulence Training - what else?!
c) A 15-minute workout using only innovative, yet effective bodyweight exercises.

3) Call for more recipes!!!

We need more recipes to finish the cookbook. If you have a recipe that isn't just a protein shake or smoothie, please send your fat loss, muscle building recipe to

4) The DVD

I'm finally going ahead with the Turbulence Training DVD's. 86% of you overwhelmingly voted for a Turbulence Training DVD. So I'm going to put it all together in the last quarter of this year and get you something for the new year. Exercise demos, program design theory, and an actual workout will be featured.

Let me know if you want other stuff.

5) And finally...against my own better judgement, I am willing to take on one man and one woman as clients at no cost - if you are willing to be a Success Story featured in the magazines and on my website. You get my advice but you have to do as I say, and post your before and after photos.

Contact me at this link if you want more info:


fat loss workout, workout DVD's, fat loss, workouts, exercise


  1. Damn...I had to go and lose weight before the big opportunity. I'd have loved to grace the pages of a mag :) Maybe I'll try to quickly baloon up...

  2. hey man, in case you ever get off track again, TT will be here to help you!!!
