Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Mobility & Fat Loss Workout

Mobility Exercises, Fat Loss Workout

Today I decided to do some mobility exercises on my off workout day. In addition, I also trained a client with mobility exercises in addition to his fat loss workout.

We started and finished his workout with mobility exercises. And now that I have Bill Hartman and Mike Robertson's new DVD, I will have more mobility stuff to do with him next week.

My client is the typical office worker, having been chained to a desk for 20 years. He's been stiff for a long time, but fortunately thanks to our training he doesn't have much fat to lose.

So here's the bodyweight Turbulence Training workout that we was one of the tougher ones he's been through in a while b/c we added some new exercises...and he always suffers a little when new movements are added.

After the mobility work and warmup...

1A) Inverted Row
1B) 1-leg Deadlift

2A) Pushup-Jackknife Combo on the ball
2B) 1-leg ball curl

3A) Assisted Chin-up using Smith Machine
3B) Spiderman Lunge

4A) Stability Ball Ab Curl
4B) Stability Ball Back Extension

5A) 2-Leg Hip Extension on Ball
5B) Bicycle Crunch

6A) Y's and T's on Ball
6B) Side Bridge

We got a lot done in a short amount of time.

All of those exercises are in the:

6-Month TT Bodyweight Manual - click HERE to get it!

Then I followed up his workout with my own workout.

Now I've already trained two days in a row, so I had no need to be lifting. But I wanted to do something purposeful...and I knew that I've been feeling tight I did some mobility work. Used the foam roller for upper and lower body, did a few variations of lunges, and did some static stretching as well.

I am particularly tight in the upper back (thoracic region). That's where I need a lot of work.

When I got home, I put in Mike Robertson's and Bill Hartman's new mobility DVD and followed along...they gave some great tips for using the foam I got my roller out and did some more work. Very good stuff.

More mobility stuff to come,


workout, fat loss, fat loss workout, mobility exercise, pushup, row, ab, ab exercise

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