Thursday, October 05, 2006

3 Biggest Workout Factors for Fat Loss

Fat Loss Workouts

Whenever a client buys a fat loss workout manual, I introduce them to the 3 biggest factors in fat loss. If you get these 3 factors in order, you will lose more fat in less workout time.

First up, is social support. A study from Stanford University showed that social support is the #1 factor for success in female fitness programs. I'd bet that its also important in male fitness programs - no matter how much guys would be unwilling to admit it.

And this should come as no surprise...just look at the popularity of Internet message boards dedicated to fitness and fat loss.

And while the social support can come from your spouse, family members, friends, or co-workers, the Stanford study showed that individuals have a greater chance of sticking to an exercise program when they have to be accountable to an authority figure - such as a doctor, lifestyle coach, or trainer.

Regardless, don't feel that you need to do this on your own. Get some social support and watch your success rate soar.

(I also encourage everyone to do a lifestyle review with his or her physician, especially if you are over 30 years of age and previously sedentary. Better safe than sorry. And it's also great to get your doctor into your social support group.).

Good communication and professional instruction will significantly increase your chances of success.

The second most important factor is nutrition. That's right, what you eat is more important than how you exercise.

It's always tough for me to admit this, but its true. No matter how great a TT workout can be, it's no match for eating a large pizza or scarfing down a huge piece of chocolate cake. Nutrition will always have the final word on your fat loss success.

So make sure you know how many calories you are eating and have an expert check to make sure that you aren't eating something that you think is healthy, but in reality is actually an obstacle to your success.

And finally, the 3rd most important factor in fitness is exercise. And the more customized your program is for you, the better your results will be. When you combine a great workout program with proper nutrition and accountability, you can make incredible can even feel like you are reversing the aging process.

"Hi Craig, I just have to respond...I'm 55 years old and have been on TT for over a year now. I'm in the best shape of my life, have 15% body fat, can run easily 10+ mph on the treadmill, am stronger than ever, and I feel and look great (if I do say so myself). TT is simply AMAZING! So whoever thinks they are "too old"...forget about it.....never too old. If you have the commitment and desire, you can do it. And frankly, I don't accept the 'no time' excuse...there is a simple solution to the 'no time' reason...prioritize your daily activities and start thinking about your health are of no use to anyone when you're 'disable'. Enjoy life!"
Al Aiello, TT Membership Pass member

Which factor is holding you back?

Take action IMMEDIATELY to improve your social support, your training, or your nutrition,


P.S. Women that want to look younger and better...
You can turn back the clock 10, 15, or even 20 years with the right exercise and nutrition program...and the right support team behind the scenes. Just hear what Annabelle did with consistency, and the great workouts in the TT for Women program...

"Craig, my husband has been a client of yours for almost 2 years and during that time he has been encouraging me to follow some of your workouts. I am a 44 year old mother of 3 children, so the time I have available for exercise is limited. I decided to give one of your workouts a try and I was amazed with the results. I lost a lot of bodyfat and added a lot of lean muscle, in only 8 weeks! Most important, I actually developed a 6 pack, something I thought I could never achieve. I am not sure how I accomplished so much since my workouts are only 3 days a week and I spend only 3 hours total time, including core for an entire week. I feel stronger than I ever have and I am in the best shape of my life. I transitioned over to the TT for Women workout and the progress continues. It is hard to believe that such a simple workout that requires such little time can have so many results. I did not expect these results at my age. I wanted to send you a few photos to show you the "after" results. These pictures show the progress after a total of 12 weeks on your programs. I do not have any "before" pictures, but I can assure you they did not look like this. It amazes me that I will be 45 in June with 3 kids and I am 5'4 weighing 114 lbs now (lean). Thanks for everything!"
Annabelle Logan

Click here to get started with TT for Women.

workout, fat loss workout, nutrition, lose weight

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