Thursday, October 05, 2006

Mobile Cardio & Fat Loss Workout

Cardio & Fat Loss Workout

I sit at my computer a lot. And my posture...not so great. So I've ended up with a little bit of chronic tension in my upper back - just like many of the TT readers.

And each day that you are chained to your desk at work, you lose strength and flexibility. Your shoulders get stiffer, your hips get tighter, and your hip flexors and hamstrings lose their flexibility. (And this goes for both men and women).

You have to train properly to counteract the negatives of desk work, just like you have to train against the potential loss in metabolism with age.

So what's the average office worker to do?

First of all, to keep your shoulders mobile and to reduce tension in that area, you should work on the Stick-up exercise daily.

You can also help the situation by using foam roller exercises that loosen up the upper body and relieve tension.

I just received my copy of a DVD called "The Inside Out Ultimate Upper Body Warm-up". It was put together by Bill Hartman and Mike Robertson - two very smart guys from Indiana.

Click HERE To get your copy - I use it, i love it

I have only watched about 10 minutes of the DVD but it helped me improve my foam rolling immediately. I'm now using the roller a lot more often today to help eliminate the tension in my upper back.

Get their DVD at: Inside Out Warm-up
(Every trainer should have this in their library).

And to warm-up and loosen up the lower body, here's a hip-mobility circuit that I tried out in the gym. You can go through this once as a great warm-up for the gym or as a break in your office at work.

Alternatively, you can go through the circuit up to 5 times for a Mobile Cardio Workout. Take 1 minute between circuits (it's also great for the glutes which are feeling a little fatigued as I write this).

  • Overhead Squat (holding a broomstick or tubing) - 15 reps
    Sumo Squat - 15 reps
    Diagonal Lunge - 12 reps per side
    1-Leg RDL - 8 reps per side
    Spiderman Climb - 8 reps per side
    Prisoner Forward Lunge with 2 second stretch at bottom - 8 reps per side
Your hips will feel like a million bucks after these exercises.

On a related note, a reader asks...

"I have done the first week of the bodyweight workout that i just purchased, which by the way is the first time I have ever stuck to a program. The third workout of the prep phase has these things you call spiderman climb in it. I can't seem to get my foot anywhere near my hand. I did them the best I can, but I have them coming up soon and was wondering if there is a trick or stretch I need to do. Also, I was wondering how long the three circuits should take, I think I am at about eight minutes per circuit (so 24 minutes total), and then the cardio, but I think I might be counting the tempo wrong."

Great to hear from you. 8 minutes per circuit is EXACTLY how long it took me to do each of those when I first developed the workouts. Perfect.

As for the spiderman climb, the exercise is a combination of athleticism, mobility, and strength.

Do not worry if you can't get your foot up there. With each workout, you should improve your mobility in that movement. Until then, slow and steady progress is advised. As part and parcel of the entire program, it will improve. Keep up the great work, stay positive and be consistent.

You will succeed,

P.S.The TT Bodyweight manual not only gives you 6 months of pre-planned workouts, but it also gives over 70 bodyweight exercises that will allow you to create an endless number of bodyweight circuits, strength workouts, and fat blasting sessions that don't require any fancy, expensive equipment.

You can do these workouts at home or in the park - far away from the hassles of most commercial gyms.

"CB has done it again! The bodyweight manual has some of the toughest workouts out there today. After just 4 weeks of bodyweight training (I skipped the initial phases an went right to 'advanced'), I went from plateauing at 15 chin-ups to maxing out at 22! Who needs to go to a gym? With this manual, you're using the best conditioning tool known to man - the human body!"
Chris Lopez, Personal Trainer, Toronto

"I think your BW routines are great! I've tried a couple and find them to be a perfect alternative for a trip to the gym or for some interval-level intensity when I can't run or am bored of the stationary bike. And the best part is, I never have to worry about not getting a workout in when traveling. Keep making more of these routines."
Christine Johnson, Little Rock, AK
To get your bodyweight manual, climb over here today.

(PPS - Don't forget, previous customers get a discount on the bodyweight me for details.)

weight loss, fat loss, workout, cardio, fat loss workout, mobility, exercise

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